(A)   Intent. A preliminary plat is the first official document submitted when owner(s) of property wish to subdivide his, her or their property. The preliminary plat shall include all the property the owner(s) intend to subdivide. Approval of the preliminary plat does not constitute approval of the subdivision. Only approval of the final plat constitutes official approval by the county.
   (B)   Preliminary plat requirements. An application for preliminary plat approval shall include an original of the following:
      (1)   An “application for subdivision approval” with all requested information complete and required signatures obtained;
      (2)   A letter of intent signed by the applicant subdivider which explains the purpose of the application and includes all requests and justifications for variances, exceptions or waivers of submittal requirements;
      (3)   Proof of ownership of the property to be subdivided. A subdivider shall include an affidavit of ownership signed and notarized by all owners of the property, or if the property is owned by a corporation, an authorized officer shall sign the affidavit. If the applicant is different from the property owners, documentation of the applicant’s authority to act for the owner shall be included;
      (4)   Payment of the processing fee for a preliminary plat approval shall be included. Such fees will be those approved by the Board of County Commissioners in a county Fee Schedule which may be revised from time to time;
      (5)   A preliminary plat map with six copies which shall be on a 24-inch by 36-inch sheet or a legible quality print of a matte Mylar drawn in black ink or a black line positive Mylar of the same and shall contain the following information:
         (a)   Project name, distinct from any subdivision on a plat recorded in the County Recorder’s office, type of proposal (preliminary plat), legal description of the total land area referenced to township, range, section; county and state, date of the drawing, scale 1 :100 or larger, and north arrow;
         (b)   Vicinity map with north arrow (scale of one foot to 2,000 feet preferred) with an emphasis on the major roadway network and any existing subdivisions within one mile of the proposal;
         (c)   Boundary lines of the proposed subdivision drawn in a heavy solid line;
         (d)   Existing and/or proposed zoning district boundary lines;
         (e)   Existing topographical contours with intervals of five feet or less within the tract and at least 100 feet immediately adjacent thereto. In the absence of available five-foot contour data, the contour intervals must be deemed acceptable by the County Surveyor;
         (f)   All parcels of land to be dedicated for public use or reserved for the use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision together with the purpose and conditions of such reservations. This shall include the names, locations and widths of proposed right-of-way of streets and alleys, together with total lineal footage of streets and alleys;
         (g)   Location, width and purpose of all existing and/or proposed public and/or private easements including existing and/or proposed sanitary sewers, utility main lines, culverts, storm sewers and storm water detention areas located within the tract and at least 100 feet immediately adjacent thereto;
         (h)   Dimensions of proposed lots and blocks calculated to the nearest foot;
         (i)   Drainage channels, wooded areas and other significant natural features within the tract and at least 100 feet immediately adjacent thereto;
         (j)   Location, widths and names of all existing and/or platted rights-of-way for streets or other public ways within the tract and at least 100 feet immediately adjacent thereto, railroad right-of-way, section lines and/or other such features;
         (k)   The boundary and source of reference of any 100-year floodplain shall be shown on the preliminary plat. In the absence of reliable floodplain data, any areas of the plat that are known to be subject to flooding shall be delineated and noted on the plat map;
         (l)   Perimeter fence line, if required, delineated and a description of the type and height of the fence; and
         (m)   Site development details:
            1.   Total land area in acres;
            2.   Existing zoning of the property; and
            3.   Total number of proposed dwelling units.
      (6)   Names and addresses of the owner(s), subdivider and surveyor;
      (7)   A letter describing the water and sanitary sewer facilities proposed for the subdivision;
         (a)   If either the water or sanitary sewer facilities are to be part of an approved public system, the application shall also include confirmation from the entity providing the sewer and water services, that such services are, or will be, available to the subdivision;
         (b)   If either the water or sanitary sewer facilities are to be individual wells and septic systems for each lot, the letter will include a statement that the wells and septic systems will be installed in conformance with the rules and regulations of the state’s Division of Environmental Health; and
         (c)   If either the water or sewer facilities are to be private systems designed to serve multiple lots, the letter shall include a statement that such systems shall be installed in conformance with the rules and regulations of the state’s Division of Environmental Health.
      (8)   Estimated construction costs for roads and related facilities for the water supply and distribution systems, for sanitary sewer collection and treatment systems, storm drainage facilities and other such public facilities that may be required. The subdivider shall also state the form of collateral that will be provided to ensure that such improvements will be completed. The forms of collateral that are acceptable to the county are listed in § 152.039(A) of this chapter;
      (9)   In the event the proposed subdivision is within one and one-half miles of a municipality or within the boundary of a county service area, special service district or municipal expansion area, the applicant shall provide written comments from the affected entity;
      (10)   Other documents and information as may be deemed necessary by the Subdivision Administrator;
      (11)   A copy of all restrictive covenants proposed for the subdivision; and
      (12)   A copy of a title insurance policy covering the property to be included in the proposed subdivision. The title insurance policy must be dated within 30 days of the application submitted.
   (C)   Conformance with zoning ordinance. No application for a preliminary plat shall be accepted by the Subdivision Administrator if the proposed development is not in compliance with Ch. 152 of this code of ordinances.
(Ord. passed 4- -2016)