It is the duty of each property owner and consumer to keep the space about any meter or shut-off valve servicing his or her property free and clean of trash, garbage, barrels or boxes, dirt, oil, building material or other obstructions that may in any way interfere with the free access to the same by the employees of the Water Department. Upon a failure to comply with this requirement, the Superintendent of Public Works shall cause notice thereof to be given to the owner of the property and the consumer of the service if other than the owner to remove the obstruction within 48 hours of receiving the notice. Thereafter, if the condition continues to exist beyond the period specified in the notice, the obstruction may be removed by the Water Department, and the cost thereof charged against the property owner and consumer to be paid at the same time and in the same manner as the monthly water charges.
(1994 Code, § 13.04.100)  (Ord. 76-101, passed - -1976)