The following signs are prohibited from being erected in the city:
   (A)   Signs which may imitate an official traffic sign or signal;
   (B)   Signs which may hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal;
   (C)   Portable signs;
   (D)   Off-premise signs, except as permitted under the provisions of this chapter;
   (E)   Signs which project over a public sidewalk and are less than eight feet high;
   (F)   Signs which project over an alley and are less than 15 feet high;
   (G)   Flashing or rotating signs;
   (H)   Roof-mounted signs;
   (I)   Signs on telephone poles, utility poles, trees within the public right-of-way, street light standards and street signs; and
   (J)   Billboards.
(1994 Code, § 15.24.040)  (Ord. 90-101, passed - -1990)