All persons to whom permits have been issued under this chapter shall furnish proper credentials to their agents and solicitors for the solicitation. The credentials shall include the name of the permit holder, the date, a statement describing the holder's charitable activity, a description of the purpose of the solicitation, the signature of the permit holder or the holder's Chief Executive Officer, and the name, address and signature of the Solicitor. The credentials shall be filed with the City Clerk at the time the application for a permit is approved. No person shall solicit under any such permit unless the credentials required by this section and a facsimile copy of the permit are in his or her possession. The credentials and the facsimile copy of the permit shall be shown upon request to all persons solicited and to any police officer of the city. The City Council may waive the requirements of this section, or any portion thereof if, in its judgment, the requirements would create a hardship on soliciting organizations using large numbers of volunteer workers.
(1994 Code, § 5.12.060)