(A)   All licenses granted under the provisions of this chapter or any section thereof, or any amendment hereto, shall be subject to compliance with an city, state and federal laws. The City Council may revoke any license issued pursuant to this section upon failure of the licensee to comply with any law or the provisions of this chapter or any condition imposed upon the license by the city. Upon revocation of the license, no part of the fee paid therefor shall be returned. The fee shall be forfeited to the city and the license returned to the City Clerk.
   (B)   No license shall be revoked without giving the licensee an opportunity to appear before the City Council in his or her own behalf. Prior to any revocation of license, the holder of the license shall be personally served with a written notice of intent to revoke, which also shall notify the holder to appear before the City Council no earlier than live days or later than 15 days after the service of the notice, at which time the holder may show cause why the license should not be revoked. Upon failure of the licensee to so appear, or if after appearance and hearing the Council shall find good and sufficient cause for revocation, the license shall be revoked and the determination and findings by the Council thereupon shall be conclusive. It is unlawful for the holder of the license to continue conducting or operating the business in any manner after revocation pursuant to this chapter.
(1994 Code, § 5.04.150)  Penalty, see § 10.99