§ 154.211  STANDARDS.
   In addition to the development and operational standards of the underlying zoning district, each emergency shelter shall comply with the following standards:
   (A)   Compliance with applicable state and federal licensing, standards, and requirements;
   (B)   Compliance with applicable state and local uniform housing and building code requirements;
   (C)   Physical characteristics.
      (1)   The facility shall have on-site security during all hours when the shelter is open;
      (2)   The facility shall have exterior lighting on all pedestrian pathways and parking lot areas on the property. Lighting shall reflect away from residential areas and public streets; and
      (3)   Facilities shall provide secure areas for personal property;
   (D)   Location. There shall be a minimum of 300 feet between emergency shelters;
   (E)   Length of stay. The length of stay of an individual client shall not exceed six months within a 12-month period; days of stay need not be consecutive;
   (F)   Parking. Emergency shelters shall provide on-site parking at a rate of one space per employee plus one space per six occupants or beds allowed at the maximum occupancy. A covered and secured area for bicycle parking shall be provided for use by staff and clients, commensurate with demonstrated need, but no less than a minimum of one bike parking space per every three beds;
   (G)   Support services. Emergency shelters that provide support services shall allocate sufficient areas on site, and properly enclosed within the building. Support services include, but are not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Food preparation and dining areas;
      (2)   Laundry facilities;
      (3)   Restrooms and showers; and
      (4)   Areas to secure and store client belongings; and
   (H)   Management and operating plan. The applicant or operator shall submit a management and operation plan for the emergency shelter for review and approval by the Planning Department in consultation with the Sheriff in conjunction with the site plan review application and/or prior to the issuance of permits.
      (1)   The plan shall remain active throughout the life of the facility, with any changes subject to review and approval by the City Manager or designee in consultation with the Sheriff.
      (2)   The plan shall include a floor plan that demonstrates compliance with the physical standards of this chapter.
      (3)   The plan shall be based on "best practices" and address at a minimum, management, security, client supervision, client services, and food services. The plan should also include a client code of conduct, ratio of staff to clients, eligibility and intake and check out process, detailed hours of operation, ongoing outreach plan to local homeless population, and participation in data collection for the Fresno Madera Counties Continuum of Care Point-in-Time Report.
      (4)   The city may inspect the facility at any time for compliance with the facility's management and operation plan and other applicable laws and standards.
(Ord. 2021-03, passed 12-7-2021)