Any animal which annoys or harasses persons or other animals, including neighbors, passersby or passing vehicles, damages private or public property, is allowed to run at large, or is allowed to defecate or urinate on public property or on private property without the consent of the owner shall be deemed a nuisance subject to abatement as follows:
   (A)   For non-continuing nuisances which do not require immediate correction, any animal regulations officer may issue a written order to the owner of any offending animal directing that such nuisance be abated. In the order, the animal regulations officer may direct the owner to take certain actions to prevent the nuisance from reoccurring. The order shall be delivered to the owner either by personal service, first class postage prepaid mail to the owner's last known address, or securely posted in a conspicuous place on the property where the animal is located. A failure to follow the directions of the animal regulations officer in the order of abatement is a violation of this section. In addition, each and every day the nuisance exists after the service of the order shall be deemed a violation of this section. The animal may also be seized and impounded.
   (B)   For continuing nuisances which require immediate corrective action, any animal regulations officer may issue an order to the owner to immediately abate the nuisance. The order may be made orally or in writing. If the owner is unavailable, or if the owner fails to comply with the order of the animal regulations officer, the animal may be seized and impounded. A failure to follow the directions of the animal regulations officer in the order of abatement is a violation of this section.
(Ord. 14-101, passed 7-8-2014)