(A)   The proprietor or permittee conducting a public dance hall, public dance, or a private dance may be required by the Police Chief, as a condition to the issuance of a permit, to provide one or more police officers to attend such public dance hall, public dance, or private dance during such time as dances are conducted for the purpose of preserving order and preventing the violation of any law of the state or of the city. The presence of such police officers at any public dance hall, public dance, or private dance shall not relieve the proprietor or permittee, or any of his employees, from their responsibility for any violation of any law. The Police Chief shall assign for such purpose regular police officers, or he may require private patrol services.
   (B)   The proprietor or permittee shall be required to pay for such police services a sum sufficient to defray the cost to the city of furnishing such services, such cost to be determined by the City Manager. The proprietor or permittee shall deposit such sum with the City Treasurer at the time of the issuance of the permit.
('65 Code, § 5-9.210) (Ord. 12, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 871, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 111-C.S., passed - - )