(A)   No permit is required for the removal, trimming or pruning of a tree damaged by storm, fire or other natural disaster or otherwise determined to be dangerous by the City Manager, Community Development Director, police officer, firefighter or Code Enforcement Officer. The exemption applies only to the extent to remove the danger.
   (B)   Trees that do not exceed 12½ inches circumference (4-inch diameter) when measured four feet above the natural grade may be removed, cut, trimmed or transplanted without a permit. These trees are considered “immature.”
   (C)   Trees that must be removed or trimmed by order of any public agency or public utility having jurisdiction are exempted from the permit requirement.
   (D)   Normal and routine trimming or pruning which does not result in damage or death to a tree or does not result in the loss of more than one-third (33%) of the live foliage and limbs of any mature tree is allowed without a permit. Removal of deadwood is allowed without a permit.
   (E)   Any fruit tree may be trimmed or removed without a permit.
('65 Code, § 7-7B.03) (Ord. 347-C.S., passed - - )