Each person holding the position of Director of Engineering Services, Director of Community Development, Director of General Services, Director of Public Service, Utility Director, Office Manager - Division of Finance and Audits, Income Tax Administrator, Purchasing Agent, Big Island Water Works Superintendent, Water Pollution Control Plant Superintendent, Street Superintendent, Housing and Nuisance Control Coordinator, Grounds Maintenance Superintendent, Forestry Superintendent, Parks Superintendent, City Mechanic, Recreation Director, and Municipal Court Clerk, as such positions are presently described or as may be modified from time to time as to duties, shall become and continue to be a resident and qualified elector of the City within a reasonable time, as set by the City Commission, of their respective appointment.
   This section shall not apply to those persons who held any of said positions as of January 22, 1990, and who continue their incumbency and service as to the same who are not now residents of the City, or to persons who occupied positions of assistant to any position listed above who were promoted to the same between January 22, 1990, and January 23, 1995. However, if any such person should change his or her residence at any time hereafter, he or she then shall be required to comply with this section, and to establish, and to continue his or her residence within the City of Sandusky, Ohio. (Ord. 95-119. Passed 6-26-95.)