The City Manager is empowered to make and enforce regulations necessary to make effective the provisions of this Traffic Code and to make and enforce temporary regulations to cover emergencies or special conditions. The City Manager by rules adopted by him and kept on file in the office of the Clerk of the City Commission shall have the power:
(a)   To designate the streets or highways or parts thereof upon which there shall be no stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles or upon which there shall be stopping, standing or parking for a limited time or during certain hours;
(b)   Unless the City Commission shall direct otherwise, to establish parking meter zones and to place and maintain traffic control devices and parking meters, painted or otherwise marked safety zones, traffic, parking and no parking lanes, curbs or areas, crosswalks for pedestrians, “No Parking”, “No U Turn”, “No Left Turn”, “One Way” or “Stop” signs, or signals; or such other traffic signs, signals or standards consistent with the provisions of this Traffic Code as he or it may deem necessary for the proper control of traffic or the parking of vehicles;
(c)   To permit angle parking in designated places;
(d)   To establish one-way streets;
(e)   To close any street, alley or portion of the same to traffic or to divert the traffic therefrom;
(f)   To prohibit left-hand or right-hand turns by vehicles at intersections of streets, at intersections of alleys with streets, and at intersections of commercial driveways with streets;
(g)   To establish fire routes;
(h)   To designate those streets on which parking may be allowed in the nighttime without lights;
(i)   To establish shipping zones and prohibit parking in these zones, except for loading and unloading of merchandise;
(j)   Any and all regulations limiting time of parking or forbidding parking shall not be deemed to apply on Sundays, holidays, or between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., unless the rules or regulations and the sign evidencing the same specifically so state. This does not apply to commercial vehicles in the business districts;
(k)   To determine those portions of any street or highway where overtaking and passing other traffic or driving to the left of the center or center line of the street or highways would be especially hazardous and may by appropriate signs or markings on the highway indicate the beginning and end of these zones and where the signs or markings are in place and clearly visible, every operator of a motor vehicle shall obey the directions thereof notwithstanding other provisions of the Traffic Code;
(l)   No rule or regulation shall allow or permit parking under any circumstances or at any time:
(1)   Upon a fire route;
(2)   In the space between a safety zone and the curb nearest thereto;
(3)   On a crosswalk;
(4)   Within 10 feet of the curb nearest a fire hydrant.
(m)   Zones of Quiet. The City Manager may designate zones of quiet upon any highway within 250 feet of any hospital or school, and when any zone is so designated by official traffic signs, it shall be unlawful therein to blow a horn or a whistle or to make or cause any outcry or any avoidable noise or clamor likely to disturb persons within this zone.
      (1980 Code 70.08(A) to (J), (L), (M); 74.53)