Date   Ord.No.   Description
8-5-66   6471-C   Waiver for construction of canopy over sidewalk at 241 Jackson Street
8-5-66   6473-C   Waiver of front yard setback line at 1001 Fremont Avenue
9-26-66   6485-C   Waiver of setback requirements at 420 Anderson Street (repealed Ord. 6460-C)
10-10-66   6488-C   Waiver of nonconforming use provisions as applicable to 536 E. Adams Street
10-24-66   6494-C   Waiver for sign construction by Cook Coffee Co. at 709 W. Perkins Avenue
11-21-66   6504-C   Waiver of front yard requirements on Lane Street with reference to the Farrel Cheek Steel Co.
12-27-66   6514-C   Waiver of front yard requirements for Providence Hospital south of Pierce Street between McDonough and Central Avenue
1-30-67   6523-C   Waiver to Sandusky Bay Kiwanis Senior Citizens, Inc. for construction of multifamily housing unit for senior citizens on Water Street
4-24-67   6543-C   Waiver of side and rear lot requirements to O. P. Craft Co. on Lot 25 Warren Street
4-24-67   6544-C   Waiver of side and rear lot requirements to Lake Erie Welding at 524 Ogontz Street
5-8-67   6551-C   Waiver for sign construction at 144 through 152 through 156 Columbus Avenue, Cook Building
5-15-67   6554-C   Waiver to property of Sandusky Realty Co. at Pierce & Shelby Streets
6-5-67   6563-C   Waiver of side yard requirements on Monroe Street for building at 633 Hancock Street
6-26-67   6574-C   Waiver of front yard setback line at 1405 Sycamore Line
1-8-68   6661-C   Waiver to permit motel construction at 2428 Columbus Avenue
1-15-68   6665-C   Waiver to permit dental office at 1521 Columbus Avenue
1-15-68    6666-C   Waiver to M. H. D. Corp. to construct a Mobile Home Park
1-22-68    6667-C   Waiver to permit dental office at 334 Hancock Street
3-4-68    6682-C   Waiver to M. H. D. Corp. to construct a wild animal farm (repealed, see Ord. 6690-C)
3-18-68    6685-C   Waiver of side yard setback requirements on Poplar Street and rear yard requirements on Madison Street which pertain to the building at 621 Popular Street
4-1-68    6688-C   Waiver to permit Park Central Cleaners to construct addition to building at 1433 Camp Street
4-1-68    6690-C   Repeal of Ord. 6682-C relating to wild animal farm construction as a waiver of the zoning code
4-8-68    6691-C   Waiver to permit overhang over sidewalk at 135 through 139 through 145 Columbus Avenue
5-6-68    6697-C   Waiver to permit second floor addition to motel at 2214 Cleveland Road
5-20-68    6708-C   Waiver setback requirement on Scott Street at Hancock Street for building of Grill Meats, Inc.
5-20-68    6710-C   Waiver front yard requirements for office building at the corner of Hancock Street and East Market Place
6-3-68    6720-C   Waiver of setback requirements at 2206 Cleveland Road
6-17-68    6723-C   Waiver to M. H. D. Corp. for construction of travel trailer port and campsite
8-12-68    6752-C   Waiver of space between buildings requirement for property of Fraser Mortgage Company on Sycamore Line
8-19-68    6753-C   Waiver for overhang over sidewalk at 436 Decatur Street
8-19-68    6754-C   Waiver to allow construction of multi-family unit for Erie Metropolitan Housing Authority at Lot 2 Perry Street
10-28-68    6782-C   Waiver for erection of roof sign for Italian Gardens Restaurant at 1932 Cleveland Road
12-2-68    6794-C   Waiver to construct addition to existing building at Memorial Monumental Works, 2704 Milan Road
12-16-68    6797-C   Waiver to construct driveway at 3512 Venice Road
3-17-69    6833-C   Exempting certain property from terms and provisions of zoning code
4-28-69    6839-C   Waiver of 1129-C for Gas Station-Cleveland Road-Roosevelt
5-19-69    6844-C   Waiver to permit building at 1442 Camp Street as three-family
8-4-69    6869-C   Exemption for 1616 Cleveland Road for overhang
11-17-69    6919-C   Waiving rear yard setback for 1530 Willow Drive
11-17-69   6920-C   Waiving opening between buildings - G. J. Apel Lumber on McKinley Street
1-19-70   6968-C   Waiving front yard setback line for 1318 Cleveland Road
8-17-70   7054-C   Third National Bank - Permission to build canopy within side yard setback area
6-29-70   7035-C   Waiver on property of Sandusky Realty on Pierce Street
11-9-70   7087-C   Waiver granted for marquee at 148 E. Market Street over sidewalk and public R/W
12-21-70   7099-C   Waiver - Lots on Boalt Street for John Ceccoli
1-25-71   7108-C   Waiver for Sandusky Foundry for Fulton and Lawrence Street lots
2-22-71   7132-C   Waiver for signs for Third National at 127 Farwell Street
3-1-71   7133-C   Zoning Code and Map waived for mobile home park for Hartwigs on Venice Road
4-5-71   7149-C   Property at 1303 Hayes Avenue exempted for 2' overhang Foodland Store
5-17-71   7168-C   Waiver for Providence Hospital on setback line and area lot coverage - Buchanan and Pierce
6-1-71   7173-C   Waiver for 316 Neil Street: to permit parking of armory vehicles until July 1972
6-28-71   7183-C   1013 Franklin Street rear yard setback waived from 40' to 20' (Amended, see Ord. 7201-C)
8-2-71   7201-C   1013 Franklin Street rear yard setback waived from 40' to 20' (Amended Ord. 7183-C)
8-30-71   7208-C   Waiver of Zoning Code - premises at rear of 1533 Milan Road - Andres Tucker Funeral Service
10-4-71   7221-C   Waiver - First Christian Church, Hayes Avenue
10-26-71   7227-C   Exempting premises at 217 E. Water Street from Code - Building Cornice
11-8-71   7236-C   Waiver at 1742 Camp Street for storage building - H. W. Homberger
12-13-71   7244-C   Waiver at 2130 Milan Road for daycare facility - R. Mitchell
12-13-71   7245-C   Residential Land Use and Density Regulations amendments
12-27-71   7260-C   Waiver - plans of Cedar Point for widening of causeway
3-19-72   7293-C   Waiver - St. Mary's School on total area coverage
3-27-72   7296-C   Waiver - Sandusky Aluminum Company Hancock Street - rear yard setback
3-27-72   7297-C   Waiver - Phase II - Bayshore Estates, Mobile Home Park
5-15-72    7322-C   Waiver - Lot No. on S. Depot Street to be divided in equal
6-26-72    7338-C   Waiver - 1102 W. Washington Street new rear setback line
9-25-72    7366-C   Waiver - A. L. Garber Company lot coverage - parking lot
4-9-73    7437-C   Waiver - 1535 Milan Road daycare center
4-30-73    7449-C   Waiver - 603 E. Water Street addition to existing building (Warren Johnson)
6-4-73    7461-C   Waiver - C. Wagner's Allotment and Springdale Allotment to construct cul-de-sacs
9-4-73    7503-C   Waiver - Grill Meats, 1031 Pierce Street for sign
9-24-73    7516-C   Exemption - 309 W. Water Street O. Schaefer/Marquee
10-9-73    7520-C   Waiver - N. W. corner of Osborne and Wayne Streets - fence Eugene E. Wittmer
12-17-73    7549-C   Waiver - Erie Metro Housing Remington Avenue - fence
12-31-73    7565-C   Directional signs on boulevard at 610 W. Washington
2-4-74    7581-C   Exemption - roof at 1602 Hayes Avenue - Sam Todaro
2-4-74    7582-C   Waiver joining 2 existing buildings at 1602 Hayes Avenue
4-1-74    7612-C   Waiver - Business-residential complex at E & K Winery 220 E. Water Street
8-19-74    7680-C   Waiver - A. Riesterer to convey 39' of premises at 1907 W. Jefferson Street to 429 Putnam
9-23-74    7693-C   Waived Zoning Code for property at 524 Ogontz Street to permit construction of building
10-21-74    7708-C   Waived for Assembly of God to permit former Western Security Bank building to be used as church
10-21-74    7709-C   Exemption for overhang at Jackson and Water Street - 121 Jackson Street
10-21-74    7711-C   Waiver for mobile home at rear of 527 Gartland Avenue
11-4-74    7714-C   Waiver for placement of mobile home at 527 Gartland Avenue
11-25-74    7722-C   Exemption for overhang at 305 E. Water Street
3-17-75    7768-C   Exemption for overhang at NE corner of W. Market and Decatur Streets
3-24-75    7769-C   Waiver on lot coverage at 432 E. Washington Street
4-7-75    7783-C   Exemption for overhang at SE corner of W. Monroe and Carr Streets
6-23-75    7820-C   Exemption for overhang at 908 Columbus Avenue
9-8-75    7863-C   Exemption for overhang at 142 Columbus Avenue
10-6-75    7869-C   Exemption for overhang at 910 Columbus Avenue
11-10-75   7887-C   Waiver for placement of mobile home at 3417 W. Monroe Street
6-7-76   7971-C   Waiver to permit construction of new cement block building at 1501 Milan Road
6-21-76   7975-C   Waiver to store and display cement blocks at 1621 Sycamore Line
7-6-76   7978-C   Waiver for Chef's Pantry relating to front yard setback line on parking at Neil and Franklin Streets
8-9-76   7988-C   Waiver for the Selected Meat Company relating to front yard setback line on boathouse property at 833 Curran Street
10-25-76   8011-C   Exemption for overhang at 224 East Water Street
11-22-76   8023-C   Waiver of rear and side yard setback lines at 2235 West Perkins Avenue
1-24-77   8042-C   Waiver for Millot Storage and Transfer Corporation for conditional use permit at 912 Maple Avenue
2-22-77   8048-C   Waiver of side and rear lot requirements at 414 Wayne Street
4-25-77   8068-C   Exemption for Group B Home Occupation at 1122 C Street
5-9-77   8072-C   Exemption to Sandusky Metal Products, Inc. to place four 1,000-gallon propane tanks on its property
5-9-77   8073-C   Waiver permitting used automotive parts business at 1820 West Jefferson Street
6-20-77   8087-C   Waiver permitting automobile parking on a 150-foot parcel of land on Roosevelt Street, abutting 1643 Cleveland Road
7-5-77   8097-C   Waiver of front yard setback at 2073 Cleveland Road, permitting an addition and parking spaces
8-8-77   8111-C   Waiver of automobile parking space requirements of a multifamily development on Milan Road
8-22-77   8116-C   Waiver as to frontage, area and yard requirements for lot 34 on Decatur Street
10-31-77   8143-C   Waiver at 132 and 134 McDonough Street for a fence
3-6-78   8202-C   Waiver permitting construction of high-rise apartment for low-income housing on property located at northwest corner of Market and Franklin Streets
4-24-78   8212-C   Waiver permitting division of lot 44 Hayes Avenue into 2 parts, one part being attached to lot 46 Hayes Avenue
5-8-78   8215-C   Waiver permitting construction of multifamily dwelling on lots 7, 8, and 9 Baltimore Street
9-5-78   8268-C   Waiver permitting construction of two-car garage at northwest corner of Ogontz St. and Fourth St.
12-11-78   8308-C   Waiver permitting Sandusky Foundry and Machine Co. to store materials on part of Lots 1 and 2 Shalby St. and part of Lots 1 and 3 McDonough St.
12-26-78   8310-C   Waiver permitting carryout sale of alcoholic beverages at 627 Tiffin Ave.
1-15-79   8320-C   Waiver permitting automobile salvage and storage business at 2808 Venice Rd.
1-22-79   8323-C   Waiver of area, yard, and height regulations at 502 Huron Ave., permitting remodeling, parking area, and overhang.
2-5-79   8327-C   Waiver of front yard setback at 349 Tiffin Ave., permitting 6 parking spaces.
2-26-79   8341-C   Waiver permitting carryout sale of alcoholic beverages at 1005 Camp St.
5-27-80   80-037   Waiver permitting the occupancy of the structure at 333 E. Washington St. as a three-unit dwelling.
6-16-80   80-042   Waiver permitting construction of 14 studio apartments at 2309 Milan Rd.
10-6-80   80-075   Waiver permitting subdivision of a parcel at 329-335 E. Adams Street.
12-8-80   80-100   Waiver of area lot coverage requirements permitting the expansion of St. Mary's school facilities.
6-22-81   81-050   Waiver permitting the installation of a security fence on the site of the Erie County Detention Home on Tiffin Avenue.
7-27-81   81-066   Waiver permitting the operation of a beauty parlor at 1429 Farwell Street.
8-24-81   81-076   Repeal of Ord. 8073-C relating to the operation of a used automobile parts business as a waiver of the zoning code.
1-4-82   82-003   Waiving provisions of Zoning Code to permit replacement of a billboard sign at Mantey Vineyards, Bardshar Rd.
3-22-82   82-013   Waiving provisions of Zoning Code and Map to permit occupancy of structure at 334 E. Washington St. for limited professional offices.
3-29-82   82-015   Waiving provisions of Zoning Code and Map to permit development/operation of Stage I, Phase III of Bayshore Estates (under Ord. 6519-C).
12-6-82   82-095   Waives Zoning Code provisions and allows for erection of sign at 919 W. Washington St.