Flood Damage Reduction
1157.01   General provisions.
1157.02   Definitions.
1157.03   Administration.
1157.04   Use and development standards for flood hazard reduction.
1157.05   Appeals and variances.
1157.06   Enforcement.
   Flood control bonds; public capital improvement - see Ohio Const., Art. VIII,
      Sec. 21
   National Insurance Program Compliance - see Ohio R.C. 307.37
   County Commission flood control aid to governmental units - see Ohio R.C. 307.77
   Levees - see Ohio R.C. 717.01
   Participation in National Flood Insurance Program - see Ohio R.C. 1506.04
   Construction permits and prohibitions for dams, dikes and levees - see Ohio R.C.
   Reduction of assessed valuation for establishing reservoirs - see Ohio R.C. 1521.09
   Flood plain management - see Ohio R.C. 1521.13
   Review of flood plain management ordinances - see Ohio R.C. 1521.18
   Manufactured home parks - see Ohio R.C. 4781.26
   Notification of flood - see Ohio R.C. 4781.33
   Compliance with Flood Plain Management Rules - see Ohio R.C. 4781.29
   Recreation vehicle parks - see Ohio R.C. 3729.04
   Health, Safety and Sanitation - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 521