(a)   Residential Uses. Enclosed or open parking facilities shall be located on the same lot as the dwelling served, or within the same block if combined facilities are provided for several dwellings. Open parking shall be behind the front of the dwelling served.
   (b)   Institutional, Amusement, and Assembly Uses. Accessory parking facilities shall be provided on the same lot as the institution or place of amusement or assembly served; however, where no adjacent land is available, then the nearest point of the parking lot shall be located within a walking distance of 100 feet of the entrance of the building.
   (c)   Business Uses. Accessory parking facilities shall be located on the same lot or adjacent to the business served in a Business or Automobile Parking District; however, where no adjacent land is available, the nearest point of the parking lot shall be located within a walking distance of 400 feet of the building.
   (d)   Commercial and Manufacturing Uses. Accessory parking facilities shall be located on the same lot as the main use served in a Commercial or Manufacturing District; however, where no adjacent land is available, the nearest point of the parking lot shall be located within a walking distance of 400 feet of the use.
(1980 Code 151.87)