Commercial Recreation, Commercial Amusement, and Commercial Service Districts and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(a) To provide in appropriate and convenient districts sufficient areas for commercial activities, services, and distribution of goods to serve the community and promote employment;
(b) To provide commercial recreational districts in appropriate locations to encourage the development of the waterfront and the recreational facilities of the community;
(c) To provide commercial amusement districts in appropriate locations for amusement park activities;
(d) To provide commercial service districts in appropriate and convenient areas for business and transportation services, and limited types of production;
(e) To protect adjacent residential neighborhoods by restricting the types of uses in surrounding districts to only those not creating offensive or objectionable influences beyond their district boundaries;
(f) To protect further the adjacent residential neighborhoods by separating and insulating them from the most intense commercial activity;
(g) To promote the most desirable use of land in accordance with a well-considered plan, and to stabilize and enhance property values.
(1980 Code 151.61)