Drawings of proposed public buildings and land uses shall be submitted to the Commission for review, and a public hearing may be held thereon. Drawings shall include a plan of the lot showing buildings on the same or adjoining lots, and preliminary site and building plans of the proposed developments. Standards for evaluating public facility developments shall be:
(a)   That the proposed building or use is properly located in relation to any adopted general plan including the vicinity, that it could not serve the neighborhood as satisfactorily if located elsewhere in a less restricted district;
(b)   That the proposed building or use is properly located in relation to any adopted thoroughfare plan or street patterns, preferably located on major or secondary streets (except schools on local streets) so as to generate a minimum of traffic on local streets;
(c)   That the location, design, and operation of the building or use will not adversely affect the surrounding residential neighborhood. After approval of preliminary design, final plans may be prepared, and they shall be submitted to the Commission, and a building permit shall not be issued until the development plans are approved by it. In addition to the above requirements, appropriate conditions, applying to the particular situation, may also be specified in the approval and permit.
      (1980 Code 151.06)