This Zoning Code is intended, among other purposes:
(a) To protect the character and values of residential, business, commercial, manufacturing, institutional, and public uses, and to insure their orderly and beneficial development;
(b) To provide adequate open spaces for light and air; to prevent overcrowding of the land; to prevent excessive concentration of population; and, on the other hand, to prevent sparse and uncoordinated development;
(c) To locate buildings and uses in relation to streets, according to City plans, in a way that will cause the least interference with, and be damaged least by traffic movements, and will lessen street congestion and improve public safety;
(d) To establish zoning patterns that insure economical extensions for sewers, water supply, and other public utilities as well as developments for recreation, schools, and other public facilities;
(e) To guide the future development of the City so as to bring about the gradual conformity of land and building uses in accordance with a comprehensive plan;
(f) To accomplish the intents and goals set forth in the introduction to the respective districts or groups of districts.
(Ord. 03-071. Passed 3-10-03.)