The following rates or fees are hereby established for use of the Sandusky Boat Ramp Launch Facility in the City:
(a) Three dollars ($3.00) per launch per boat per day; two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for a senior citizen (with Golden Buckeye Card);
(b) The season pass shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) per boat per season; forty-five dollars ($45.00) for a senior citizen (with Golden Buckeye Card); and one hundred dollars ($100.00) per season for a commercial user. For purposes of identification, the "OH Number" shall be assigned to each pass issued.
(c) "Launch" means the placement of a boat in the water and the removal of such boat from the water. However, a launch fee shall still be charged in the event that a boat is only removed from the water at the facility or only placed in the water at the facility.
(Ord. 89-046. Passed 4-10-89.)
The City Manager shall promulgate and publish rules, regulations, and establish other charges incidental to the daily operation and management of the Sandusky Boat Ramp Launch Facility, as the City Manager deems necessary or advisable and file the same with the Clerk of the City Commission.
(Ord. 88-085. Passed 8-1-88.)