The City Manager is authorized to permit the use of unopened streets by abutting owners under the following terms and conditions:
(a)   Abutting owners shall submit an application for that portion of the unopened street immediately adjacent to the owner’s property.
(b)   The abutting owner shall have exclusive use with the duty to maintain the property in a clean and orderly condition.
(c)   On an annual basis a nominal fee, to be set by the City Manager, shall be paid by the abutting owner to defray the cost of administration.
(d)   The owner shall have the right to erect fences or other temporary obstructions. These structures shall be removed at the end of any permit period on order by the City.
(e)   The City retains the right to go over, under, or through the property for necessary purposes at any time, and shall not be required to replace fences or other temporary obstructions or to pay damages for flowers, shrubbery or grass.
      (1980 Code 93.25; Ord. 03-072. Passed 3-10-03; Ord. 19-208. Passed 12-9-19.)