(A)   A permit must be obtained from the Building Department to connect to the existing water service leads at the curb box and interior plumbing. Permits will be issued only to a licensed plumber.
   (B)   Additional charges must be paid at the time of making application for tapping of water main, installation of service line, installation of curb stop and box and restoration of street surface where a curb box and service lead is installed. The charges are as follows.
      (1)   Where the installation is to be on an unsurfaced street, the amount to be charged is fixed by the Utilities Superintendent based upon the actual cost of installing the service, plus administrative cost.
      (2)   Where the installation is upon a surfaced street, there is a fee for restoration of a typical road bituminous street in addition to the above charge. For the restoration of a higher type street, the fee will be set by the Utilities Superintendent. All backfill materials must be mechanically compacted in 12 inch layers to the density of the adjacent material in the roadway area in accordance with the state’s Highway Department standard specifications to the existing street grade.
      (3)   The owner must install, or have installed, the service connections from the water main to the property line. Payment for the service connections must be made before the work is started.
      (4)   The city will supply the corporation stop, saddle (if required), curb stop and box up to two inch which will be charged to the plumber when applying for a tap. Cost will also include labor, equipment and overhead. Service larger than two inch requires the owner to contract a qualified tapper who must be approved by the Utilities Superintendent. The tapping sleeves must be stainless steel. The sleeves must be mechanical joint or approved equal with a flanged outlet for connection to the tapping sleeve. The tapping sleeves must be as manufactured by Ford “fast tap” with ductile iron gland and stainless steel bolts or JCM model 432 stainless steel tapping sleeve, or approved equal. The owner must also provide valves and valve boxes. The valves must be resilient seat manufactured to meet applicable requirements of AWWA C500 and AWWA C109-80. The resilient seat valves must be Waterous, American, Clow or Mueller. The valve boxes must be Tyler 6860.
(Prior Code, § 715.33) Penalty, see § 52.99