§ 163.248 PROCEDURES.
   (A)   Pre-application conference. Before submitting an application for a C-PUD, an applicant must confer with the city planning staff in order to obtain information and guidance before the applicant incurs expenses in the preparation of plans, surveys and other data.
   (B)   Outline development plan. An applicant shall first submit to the city for approval a development concept plan of the C-PUD. The concept plan shall include the following information:
      (1)   A map (which may be in schematic form) containing the following information:
         (a)   The existing topographic character of the site;
         (b)   A composite of all natural amenities of the site including any steep slopes, drainage ways, marshes, ponds and lakes;
         (c)   The size of site and proposed use of the land to be developed and an identification of surrounding land uses;
         (d)   The allocation of density to the several parts of the development;
         (e)   The approximate location of any right-of-way; and
         (f)   The location of the proposed open space including parks, playgrounds and private natural preserves.
      (2)   A statement of the ownership of all land involved in the C-PUD together with a summary of the previous work experience of the developer;
      (3)   An explanation of the general character of the C-PUD;
      (4)   A general indication of the expected time schedule of development;
      (5)   A statement describing the ultimate ownership and maintenance of all parts of the C-PUD including streets, structures and open space;
      (6)   A statement describing how all necessary utilities and governmental services will be provided to the development; and
      (7)   A certified check or money order in an amount set forth by § 36.02 of this code of ordinances for the application fee. Additional costs incurred by the city to process the application will be billed to the owner/developer by the city.
   (C)   Outline development plan review process.
      (1)   The Planning Commission shall review the outline development plan and forward it to the City Council with a written staff report recommending that the plan be disapproved, approved or approved with modifications, and giving reasons for these recommendations.
      (2)   Upon receipt of the Planning Commission’s recommendations, a public hearing shall be held by the City Council on the plan. The City Council may continue the hearing or refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for further study. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council shall approve, disapprove or approve the plan with modifications and send a copy of its decision to the applicant.
      (3)   Refusal by the applicant of any modification may constitute denial of the plans by the City Council. Failure by the applicant to notify the City Council of applicant’s acceptance or refusal of the proposed modification to the outline development plan may constitute acceptance of the modifications. No building permits will be issued for the C-PUD until the final plans for the development have been approved by the City Council under the procedures set forth in the following provisions.
   (D)   Preliminary development plan approval.
      (1)   Following the approval of an outline development plan by the City Council, the applicant may file a preliminary development plan with the city. The Planning Commission will review the preliminary development plan after it has given public notice to the following persons:
         (a)   Any person who is on record as having appeared at the public hearing on the outline development plan;
         (b)   Any other person who has indicated to the city in writing that they wish to be notified; and
         (c)   All property owners within 350 feet of the property designated to be developed.
      (2)   In the event the preliminary development plan is not in substantial compliance with the outline development plan, the city must notify the applicant. The city’s notice must set forth the ways in which the preliminary development plan is not in substantial compliance.
      (3)   If the applicant does not respond to the notice from the city and does not alter the preliminary development plan, the plan may be denied by the City Council.
      (4)   If the applicant is not in agreement with the city’s notice, the applicant may file a written request that the Planning Commission hold a public hearing on the preliminary development plan. After holding the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall make a recommendation to the City Council for approval, denial or approval with modifications. The City Council shall then review the preliminary development plan and act on the Planning Commission’s recommendation.
   (E)   Final development plan approval.
      (1)   Within six weeks following approval of the preliminary development plan by the City Council, the applicant shall file with the city a final development plan containing in final form all of the information required in the preliminary development plan. In its discretion and for good cause, the City Council may extend for six months the period for the filing of the final development plan upon the request of the applicant.
      (2)   The City Council shall review the final development plan in order to make certain that it is in substantial compliance with the preliminary development plan. If the final development plan is in substantial compliance with the preliminary development plan, the City Council may approve it. Following approval, the applicant must record the final development plan in the manner provided for recording subdivision plats. If the final development plan is found by the City Council to not be in substantial compliance, the applicant must repeat the procedures outlined for the preliminary development plan.
   (F)   Findings. The findings of the City Council necessary for approval of both the preliminary and final development plan shall be based on the following:
      (1)   The plan does not conflict with the Comprehensive Plan;
      (2)   The plan is designed to form a desirable and unified development within the development’s own boundaries;
      (3)   The proposed uses will not be detrimental to present and future land use in the surrounding area;
      (4)   Any exceptions to the requirements of the zoning and subdivision codes are justified by the design of the development; and
      (5)   The planned unit development will not create an excessive burden on parks, schools, streets and other public facilities and utilities, which serve or are proposed to serve the planned unit development.
(Ord. 20210217-07, passed 2-17-2021)