(A)   Minimum lot size. With the exception of a lot that is being exclusively used for essential services, a lot in the Professional/Light Industrial Business Park must have a width of not less than 100 feet, and must contain an area of not less than 21,780 square feet (0.5 acre).
   (B)   Setbacks.
      (1)   Front yard requirement: with the exception of a lot that is being exclusively used for essential services, a lot must have a front yard having a depth of not less than 20 feet.
      (2)   Rear and side yard requirements: with the exception of structures on a lot that is being exclusively used for essential services, the following structure setbacks apply:
Interior side yard
Minimum of 15 feet
Rear yard
Minimum of 20 feet
Street side yard
Minimum of 40 feet
      (3)   Setback from Residential Zoning District; buffer requirements. A building must be set back a minimum of 50 feet from a zoning district boundary line, which separates the Professional/Light Industrial Business Park from a residential district. A vegetative buffer must be planted in this area using native groundcover, shrubs, or trees and must be continuously maintained by the Professional/Light Industrial Business Park property owner.
      (4)   Setback from roads/highways. A building may not be erected closer than 40 feet to the right-of-way line of any state highway, major or secondary thoroughfare or to any county highway or road in use by the public prior to the creation of the Professional/Light Industrial Business Park that serves as the boundary line of the district.
   (C)   Lot access. With the exception of a lot that is being exclusively used for essential services, access to a lot must be from an approved frontage or secondary street.
   (D)   Maximum ground coverage.
      (1)   With the exception of lots being used exclusively for essential services, the sum total of the ground area covered by all structures in any Professional/Light Industrial Business Park District including accessory structures, constituting a permitted or conditional use shall not exceed 75% of the lot.
      (2)   Impervious surface coverage may be increased if the following is provided:
         (a)   A storm water retention plan showing containment of the five-year, 24-hour storm event on the parcel;
         (b)   Elimination of direct run-off of storm water to adjacent water bodies, including wetlands and adjacent parcels, through the use of berms or other permanent means; or
         (c)   Where municipal storm water is available.
   (E)   Visual interest. Building designs are encouraged to provide visual interest and variation in detailing.
   (F)   Signage. One free-standing sign identifying the commercial uses of each tenant from the major access road will be permitted. Secondary signage shall be pedestrian scale and oriented toward the parking lots on the site and shall be subject to the requirements and restrictions set forth in Chapter 162 of this code of ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 515.21) (Ord. 02-03, passed 10-16-2002; Ord. 20210120, passed 1-20-2021)