(A)   Light industrial;
   (B)   Hospitals and hospital related medical services which are accessory to and located in proximity to the hospital;
   (C)   Institutional residential facilities and long-term care facilities;
   (D)   Auto and truck washes;
   (E)   Cold storage plants and warehousing;
   (F)   Carpet cleaning, dry cleaning and dyeing, laundry employing any number of persons; providing, the cleaning fluid has a base which is of non-explosive material;
   (G)   Growing, handling, crating, sorting and shipping nursery stock;
   (H)   Laboratory, research, experimental and testing;
   (I)   Essential services;
   (J)   Storage, sale and distribution of lumber, coal, brick, stone, contractors supply yard and other similar supplies, equipment and goods; provided, the use is entirely enclosed within a substantial fence not less than eight feet in height;
   (K)   Plumbing, heating, glazing, painting, paper-hanging, roofing, ventilating and electrical contractors; blacksmith shop, carpentry, soldering and welding establishments;
   (L)   Railway and motor freight depot or trucking terminal; provided that, the truck entrance is at least 30 feet between curbs; and
   (M)   Vehicle sales and service, including recreational vehicles, boats and motorcycles.
(Prior Code, § 515.21) (Ord. 02-03, passed 10-16-2002; Ord. 20210120, passed 1-20-2021)