(A)   Removal and recycling. Occupants of any premises, or if unoccupied, the owner, must place, deposit or keep on the premises all solid waste and yard waste in the manner as herein provided. The property owner or occupant must have solid waste and yard waste removed and hauled away by a commercial hauler at regularly scheduled intervals. The city encourages residents to recycle recyclable materials by bringing them to the city-designated drop-off site for recycling.
   (B)   Container requirements.
      (1)   Solid waste and yard waste must be accumulated in one or more fly-tight containers. The owner or occupant of any residential, multi-family dwelling, commercial or industrial establishment or any other premises where solid waste or yard waste is accumulated, must provide one or more water-tight containers sufficiently sized to receive all solid waste and yard waste which may accumulate between collection times.
      (2)   All containers must have outside handles or other proper attachments for lifting. All solid waste and yard waste must be deposited and kept in the containers and so covered as to shed water and keep odor in, and insects, rodents and vermin out.
   (C)   Placing of containers. Containers must be kept in the rear of the premises or in a garage located on the premises. The containers must be placed near a street, alley or driveway, or at such other appropriate place, as convenient for the collection and removal of the contents. The containers may not be placed in the appropriate place more than 24 hours before collection and must be removed within 24 hours after removal of the contents.
(Prior Code, § 635.07) (Ord. 2014-05, passed 4-2-2014) Penalty, see § 51.99