(A)   General rule. Excavation, grading or filling of any material in the amount of 2,000 cubic yards or more, disturbing an area of one acre or more or disturbing an area to a depth of three feet or more, requires a major land disturbance permit from the City Council following a public hearing by and recommendation from the Planning Commission.
   (B)   Major land disturbance permit application/exhibits. Application for major land disturbance permits must be made in writing on forms supplied by the city and submitted to the City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer for processing. Applications must be filed jointly by the landowner and the earth moving contractor. The following information and exhibits (ten copies) must be submitted with the completed application form:
      (1)   Legal description of the property;
      (2)   A map showing existing conditions both on the property and 300 feet beyond the boundaries of the property. This information must include, but not be limited to, land ownership, structures, utilities, platting and easements, street and railroad rights-of-way and waterways. This information may be no more than two months old at the time of application;
      (3)   A plan to show materials to be removed from, moved or deposited upon the property. The plan must include final topography, steps to be taken to conserve topsoil and to minimize erosion, areas where topsoil is to be stockpiled and if applicable, the proposed phasing of operation and restoration by years;
      (4)   Identification of proposed truck hauling routes and method of controlling dust on-site and along haul routes;
      (5)   Hours and period of operation;
      (6)   Copies of any agreements contemplated or entered into between the owner of the property and any other person charged with performance of the earth work; and
      (7)   An application for a storm water management plan, as described in §§ 158.25 through 158.35 of this code of ordinances.
   (C)   Existing operations. Mining operations existing on the effective date of this chapter that hold a major land disturbance permit under the previous ordinance are not required to submit an application for a storm water management plan. Existing mining operations must continue to comply with the regulations, conditions and recommendations contained in § 157.06 of this chapter and the engineering analysis required by § 157.10 of this chapter, including the posting of a suitable bond or other financial security with the city. All new mining operations and any expansion of existing operations must apply for a major land disturbance permit and must submit an application for a storm water management plan, as described in §§ 158.25 through 158.35 of this code of ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 420.07) (Ord. 172, passed 3-16-1994; Ord. 04-1, passed 3-3-2004; Ord. 2008-05, passed 5-21-2008; Ord. 2008-07, passed 7-2-2008)