(A)   General rule. Except as provided in division (B) below, trees, bushes or any plant life other than grass may not be planted or replanted within any of the public easements for right-of-way for streets, sidewalks and boulevards within the city. If trees, bushes or any plant life other than grass is planted or replanted in violation of this subchapter, upon written notice to the adjoining land owner, lessee or occupier of the land by any police officer or city employee, the adjoining land owner, lessee or occupier of land must within 30 days of the notice, remove or cause to be removed from the right-of-way the tree, bush or other plant life which is in violation of this subchapter. If not removed within the 30-day period, the tree, bush or other plant life which is in violation of this subchapter may be removed by or at the direction of the city, and the expense of the removal may be charged against the adjoining land owner, lessee or occupier of land.
   (B)   Exceptions. In furtherance of the city’s urban wildlife landscape design and Tree City U.S.A. programs, the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer is directed to prepare a list of trees and other vegetation that may be planted in public ways with the approval of the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 800.03) Penalty, see § 10.99