For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Any other word or phrase used in this section and defined in regulations of the state’s pollution control agency air quality and noise pollution control, Minn. Rules Chapter 7030 have the meaning given in those regulations.
   AIR CIRCULATION DEVICE. A mechanism designed and used for the controlled flow of air used in ventilation, cooling or conditioning, including, but not limited to, central and window air conditioning units.
   L10. The sound level, expressed in decibels (dBA) which is exceeded 10% of the time for a one- hour period, as measured by a sound level meter having characteristics as specified in the latest standards, S 1.4, of the American National Standards Institute and using test procedures approved by the noise control officer.
   L50. The sound level similarly expressed and measured which is exceeded 50% of the time for a one-hour period.
(Prior Code, § 645.01)