(A)   It is unlawful to let or rent any place, structure or part thereof, trailer or other dwelling, with the knowledge that it will be used as a permanent residence or temporary residence by any person prohibited from establishing permanent residence or temporary residence pursuant to this section, if the place, structure or part thereof, trailer or other dwelling, is located within a prohibited location zone described in § 134.03(A) of this chapter.
   (B)   If a property owner discovers or is informed that a tenant is a designated offender after signing a lease or otherwise agreeing to let the offender reside on the property, the owner or property manager should take measures to terminate the lease or to evict the offender.
   (C)   A property owner’s failure to comply with provisions of this section shall constitute a violation of this chapter, and shall subject the property owner to the enforcement provisions and procedures as provided in this chapter and the city code.
(Prior Code, § 965.07) Penalty, see § 134.99