The following acts are disorderly conduct:
   (A)   Lurking, lying in wait or concealment in any building, yard or street within the city with intent to do mischief, to pilfer or to commit any crime or misdemeanor therein;
   (B)   Willfully and lewdly exposing one’s person or one’s private parts, or procuring another to so expose oneself, and any open and gross lewdness or lascivious behavior, or any act of public indecency;
   (C)   Using profane, vulgar or indecent language in or about any public building, store, place of public entertainment or place of business, or upon any of the streets, alleys or sidewalks of the city so as to be audible and offensive;
   (D)   Appearing upon any public street or other public place in an intoxicated condition or drinking intoxicating liquor on any street or in a vehicle upon a public street;
   (E)   Unlawfully striking or in any unlawful manner offering to or doing any bodily harm to another person or unlawfully making an attempt to apply any degree of force or violence to the person of another, or in a violent, rude, angry or insolent manner touch or lay hands upon the person of another; and
   (F)   Willfully making a false report to a police officer in the performance of his or her official duties.
(Prior Code, § 2005.01) Penalty, see § 130.99