(A)   Prohibition. It is unlawful for a licensed house mover to move a building over, along or across any highway, street or alley in the city without first obtaining a building moving permit from the Building Department.
   (B)   Application. A person seeking issuance of a permit must file an application with the Department on forms provided by the Department. The application must set forth the following information:
      (1)   A description of the building proposed to be moved, giving street number, construction materials, dimensions, number of rooms and condition of exterior and interior, and photographs showing ground and street elevations;
      (2)   A legal description of the premises from which the building is to be moved;
      (3)   A legal description of the premises to which it is proposed the building be moved, if located in the city;
      (4)   The portion of the premises to be occupied by the building when moved if located in the city;
      (5)   The highways, streets and alleys over, along or across which the building is proposed to be moved; and
      (6)   The proposed moving date and hours; and any additional information which the Department finds necessary to make a determination of whether a permit should be issued.
   (C)   Filing date of application. The application for a building moving permit must be made at least 30 days prior to the proposed moving date in order to allow the Departmental personnel to make the inspection required.
   (D)   Certificate of non-incumbrance. The owner of the building to be moved must file with the application sufficient evidence that the building and lot from which it is to be removed are free of any mortgages, liens or other encumbrances and that all taxes and any other charges against the real and personal property are paid in full.
   (E)   Certificate of ownership or entitlement. The applicant must file with the application a written statement or bill of sale or other sufficient evidence that the applicant is entitled to move the building.
   (F)   Permit fee. The application must be accompanied by the permit fees required by § 36.02 of this code of ordinances, together with a sufficient sum, as estimated by the Building Official, to cover all other charges required under the terms of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 405.07) Penalty, see § 10.99