Pro rata licenses may be issued to new licensees for a partial year. A period of less than one month that the license is in effect will be considered and computed as one month for the payment of the pro rata fee, except as provided in this section. Licenses expire on June 30 of each year. The Council may, in its discretion, provide by resolution for an increase or decrease in the financial security, if permitted by law, or the payment of an “on-sale” or “on-sale wine” license fee in two equal installments payable on or before December 1 and June 30 of each license year. Licenses commence on July 1 of each year. Failure to pay license fees or installments thereof terminates the license, and the license may be reinstated only after at least ten days’ notice and hearing before the Council. A change of license fee or change in proof of financial responsibility requirements is effective immediately for new licenses, but for renewal licenses the changes are effective at the expiration of the current license year in which the increase or decrease was approved by the Council. At least 90 days before a license issued under this chapter is to be renewed, an application for renewal must be filed with the city. The decision whether or not to renew a license rests within the sound discretion of the Council. No licensee has a right to have the license renewed.
(Prior Code, § 1200.23)