The applicant or sponsor of the special event involving the sale of food or beverages for immediate consumption, erection of structures, horses or other large animals, water aid stations or another activity likely to create a substantial need for cleanup may be required by the city to provide a cleanup deposit prior to issuance of the special event perm it. The cleanup deposit shall be in an amount set by the city. The cleanup deposit will be returned to the applicant/sponsor if the area used for the special event has been cleaned and restored to the same condition as it existed prior to the event. If the property used for the event has not been properly cleaned or restored, the applicant/sponsor will be billed for the actual cost by the city for the cleanup and restoration. The cleanup deposit will be applied toward payment of the bill.
(Prior Code, § 960.19) (Ord. 2007-10, passed 7-2-2007; Ord. 2014-01, passed 2-15-2014; 20190717-01, passed 7-17-2019)