(A)   Permanent care.
      (1)   The general care of the entire cemetery grounds is assumed by the City Council. The term PERMANENT CARE means the cutting of grass at reasonable intervals, the raking and cleaning of the lot or grave, the pruning of the shrubs and trees upon the lot and such work as may be necessary to keep the lot or grave in a good and neat condition. The City Council is not obligated and does not assume to maintain, repair or replace any grave stones or monumental structures erected upon the lot or graves therein, nor to plant or care for flowers or ornamental plants or shrubs, nor to do any special or unusual work, nor water the lawns or lots. No wood, iron or wire work, such as trellises, seats, settees or cranes will be allowed on any lots and should any now located on lots become broken or unsightly they will be removed by the lot owner upon notice and if not removed the City Council may remove the same at the expense of the owner after ten days’ notice by mail to the last known address of the record owner.
      (2)   Funeral designs or cut flowers placed on lots or graves must be removed at the direction of the sexton as soon as they wilt or become unsightly if not removed by the owner. Trees or shrubs may not be removed, cut down or destroyed within the border of any lot or lots, walks or lawn space without the approval of the City Council. Shrubs and plants planted in the cemetery by a lot owner must be first approved in respect to kind and location by the sexton. If a tree or shrub situated on any lot becomes detrimental to any adjacent lot or avenue, or unsightly or inconvenient, the City Council may remove the tree or shrub, or such parts thereof as, in its judgment, are unsightly, detrimental or inconvenient.
(Prior Code, § 520.29)
   (B)   Improvements. Plants, shrubs and flowers may be placed on cemetery lots in areas designated by the sexton. Trees or vines may not be planted, nor may fences be erected. The city reserves the right to remove any tree, shrub, vine, plant or flower which may become unsightly, dangerous or not in keeping with the landscape design of the cemetery.
(Prior Code, § 520.31)
Penalty, see § 10.99