§ 93.01 LOCATION.
   (A)   The Spring Park Cemetery has been established and is continued upon land owned by the city legally described as follows: start on the 40 line, 802.3 feet west of the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of southeast quarter, Section 16, the point being on the westerly line of the Spring Park Cemetery; thence deflect to the left an angle of 79.03 feet and going southerly on the cemetery line a distance of 372 feet to the southwest corner of the cemetery for the point of beginning; thence continue southerly on the last course a distance of 304 feet; thence deflect to the left an angle of 87 degrees 46 feet and going easterly a distance of 571 feet more or less to west right-of-way line of Government Road; thence going northerly along the road right-of-way a distance of 303.9 feet more or less to the southeasterly corner of the cemetery; thence going westerly to beginning a distance of 576.4 feet more or less - 16-42-20 - four acres. A plat of the cemetery, as prepared by surveyor, and placed on file in the office of the City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer, is adopted as the official plat of the cemetery.
   (B)   It is unlawful to lay out or establish any cemetery, or use any lot of land within the city for the burial of the dead, except in the Spring Park Cemetery, or some other tract of land duly designated as a cemetery by ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 520.01) Penalty, see § 10.99