(a) A voter shall give the judges and clerks his name, and write his name and residence on the first available line of the registration book. If any judge or clerk present believes the voter is not identifiable, he immediately shall challenge the voter.
(b) If the voter is not challenged, he shall be given one ballot and shall retire alone to a voting booth. There the voter without delay shall prepare his ballot by marking the boxes opposite the names of candidates of his choice, whether printed on the ballot or written in by him on the blank lines provided for the purpose. The voter also marks the boxes for questions and propositions. Before leaving the voting booth, the voter shall fold his ballot in a manner displaying the number on the ballot and deliver it to one of the judges or clerks, who shall tear the number off and deposit the ballot in the ballot box if the ballot bears the same number as the ballot, given to the voter by the judges and clerks.
(c) A voter who by accident or mistake spoils his ballot shall, upon returning the spoiled ballot to the judges and clerks, be given another ballot. A voter who is blind or otherwise incapable of marking his ballot shall be assisted in doing so by a judge or clerk if he requests such assistance.