(a) The city adopts all vehicle and traffic statutes and regulations of the State of Alaska, as they presently exist and as they may be revised in the future, including those which apply to motorcycles and all-terrain and off-highway vehicles as such vehicles are defined in § 12.30.010 unless such statute or regulations directly conflicts with any provision of this chapter. In the event of such a conflict, the city ordinance shall control to the extent it is not preempted by state law.
(b) Notwithstanding division (a) above, the city does not adopt those state traffic laws that establish misdemeanor and felony offenses which are not listed on Alaska Supreme Court bail forfeiture schedules, including A.S. 28.35.030.
(c) All citations issued under this chapter shall use the appropriate "AS" or "AAC" or CFR statute or regulation numbers, include a description of the offense, indicate that the offense was adopted by reference as a city ordinance, and the charging entity or plaintiff is the City of Sand Point.
(d) Additional traffic ordinances of the city that are necessary to meet specific local requirements shall be incorporated in other chapters of this title.
(e) When the context requires, the term "Alaska State trooper" or "peace officer" when used in a provision incorporated by reference under division (A) above shall be deemed to mean and construed as identical with chief of police, police officer, or such other local police officer sworn to enforce the laws of the city. When the context requires, the term "department" appearing in the Alaska Statutes and Alaska Administrative Code provisions adopted by reference shall be construed to mean the Sand Point Police Department.
(Ord. 2017-01, passed 1-10-17)
The city adopts as its traffic fine schedule for state offenses the "Traffic Bail Forfeiture Schedule" and the "Oversize Vehicle Bail Forfeiture Schedule" in Administrative Rules 43.1 and 43.6 of the Alaska Rules of Court and any other bail forfeiture schedules relating to vehicles adopted by the Alaska Supreme Court. In addition, the city adopts all amendments of those schedules that become effective after the effective date of this chapter. Citations for offenses listed on these schedules may be disposed of as provided in A.S. 12.25.195 - 12.25.230, without a court appearance, upon payment of the amounts listed plus the state surcharge required by A.S. 12.55.039 and A.S. 29.25.074. Fines must be paid to the court. If a person charged with one of these offenses appears in court and is found guilty, the penalty imposed for the offense may not exceed the amount listed for that offense on the schedule. Citations charging these offenses must meet the requirements of Minor Offense Rule 3 of the Alaska Rules of Court. If an offense is not listed on the fine schedule, the defendant must appear in court to answer to the charges.
(Ord. 2017-01, passed 1-10-17)
(a) Violation of any provision set forth in the table in this section shall be a minor offense punishable by a fine as provided in the table, or if no fine is there established, a fine not to exceed $500.
(b) In accordance with A.S. 28.05.151(a), citations for the following offenses may be disposed of as provided in A.S. 12.25.195 - 12.25.230, without a court appearance, upon payment of the fine amounts listed below plus the state surcharge required by A.S. 12.55.039 and A.S. 29.25.074. Fines must be paid to the court. The Alaska Rules of Minor Offense Procedure apply to all offenses listed below. Citations charging these offenses must meet the requirements of Minor Offense Rule 3. If a person charged with one of these offenses appears in court and is found guilty, the penalty imposed for the offense may not exceed the fine amount for that offense listed below. These fines may not be judicially reduced. If an offense in Chapter 12.30 is not listed on the fine schedule, or if the citation indicates a court appearance is required, the defendant must appear in court to answer to the charges. The fine amounts listed below are doubled for motor vehicle or traffic offenses committed in a highway work zone or traffic safety corridor, as those terms are defined in A.S. 28.90.990 and 13 AAC 40.010(b).
(c) An offense listed in this schedule may not be disposed of without court appearance if the offense is in connection with a motor vehicle accident that results in the death of a person.
Section | Offense Title | Fine |
Section | Offense Title | Fine |
12.30.050(a) | Unlawful driving of ATV on roadway | $100 |
12.30.050(b) | Unlawful ATV crossing of highway | $100 |
12.30.050(c) | ATV crossing in pedestrian crosswalk or other closed area | $100 |
12.30.060(a) | Unlicensed ATV operation | $100 |
12.30.060(b) | Safety equipment violation | $100 |
12.30.060(c) | Minor failing to wear protective helmet | $100 |
12.30.060(e) | Minor operating ATV during unlawful hours | $100 |
12.30.080 | Riding motorcycle or motorbikes upon any public sidewalks or any dock area | $100 |
12.30.090 | Excessive vehicle noise between hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. | $100 |
12.30.100 | Crossing boardwalk without protective device | $100 |
(Ord. 2017-01, passed 1-10-17)