(a)   Definition.  
      MOBILE HOME. A live-in mobile or modular unit not generally fixed to the ground or erected and commonly called a mobile home. The term MOBILE HOME shall be deemed to include units constructed for human occupancy and easily transported by vehicle, commonly called trailers.
   (b)   Mobile homes, trailers and live-in mobile units personal property. Mobile homes are declared to be personal property.
   (c)   Permitted uses. In an MH-5 zone, the following uses and their accessory uses are permitted outright:
      (1)   Mobile home dwelling, each on a separately described lot, as recorded in the District Court records;
      (2)   Fishing equipment and supply, provided no retail or wholesale business sales office is maintained on the premises, and provided that no poultry or livestock, other than normal household pets, are housed or any fenced run is located within 100 feet of any residence other than the dwelling on the same lot;
   (d)   Location established. Mobile homes are restricted to a location within the city established for mobile homes. That area commonly known as the trailer court or any other area designated by the Planning Commission as an area established for the location of mobile homes is hereby authorized for the location and placement of mobile homes.
   (e)   Grandfather rights. Mobile homes presently existing in a location other than in the trailer court or other authorized area and which were in location on or before July 1, 1981 are hereby extended the privilege of remaining in the location established prior to July 1, 1981; however, those mobile homes located outside of the trailer court or other authorized area on and before July 1, 1981 may not be moved to any location other than the trailer court or other authorized area.
   (f)   Waste disposal. All mobile homes within 200 feet of an existing sewer line be connected prior occupancy or in the case of mobile homes covered by the Grandfather rights in division (e) of this section; the mobile home unit must have an ongoing operating sewer treatment facility contained on the property.
   (g)   Conditional uses. In an MH-5 zone, the following uses and their accessory uses may be permitted as conditional uses when in accordance with §§ 13.06.210. and 13.06.040:
      (1)   Boat moorage;
      (2)   Churches and accessory uses;
      (3)   Community buildings (public) and (quasi-public);
      (4)   Governmental structure or land use including public park, playground, recreation building, fire station, library or museum;
      (5)   Greenhouse;
      (6)   Hospital, sanitarium, rest home, home for the aged, nursing home or convalescent home;
      (7)   School: nursery, primary, elementary, junior high or senior high, college or university, private, parochial or public;
      (8)   Utility substation or pumping station with no equipment storage, and lines which are essential to the functioning and servicing of residential neighborhoods;
      (9)   Any personal business, service, processing, storage or display essential or incidental to any permitted use in this zone and not conducted entirely within an enclosed building;
      (10)    Children's day care;
      (11)    Home Occupation Use: Following the procedure set forth in § 13.06.210, a conditional home use may be authorized for certain home occupational uses which do not strictly conform to the criteria set forth for home occupation as defined in § 13.06.240.
      It is the intent of this provision to provide the means for request for the city's consideration of home occupation type uses when special circumstances are present which the applicant feels deserve this consideration. It is the intent of this title that any commercial or industrial operations which would ordinarily be conducted in a commercial or industrial district continue to be conducted in such district and not at home.
   (h)   Lot MH-5 zone. In an MH-5 zone the lot size shall be as follows:
      (1)   The minimum lot area shall be 5,000 square feet;
      (2)   The maximum lot coverage shall be 45% of the lot area.
   (i)   Setback - MH-5 zone. Except as may otherwise be provided in § 13.06.020, the setback in an MH-5 zone shall be as follows:
      (1)   The front yard setback shall be a minimum of 15 feet on short side, ten feet on long side;
      (2)   The side yard setback shall be a minimum of five feet;
      (3)   On corner lots the setback shall be 15 feet on short side and ten feet on long side;
      (4)   The rear yard setback shall be a minimum of 15 feet for other than corner lots;
      (5)   Corner lot setbacks for rear yards shall be a minimum of ten feet.
      (6)   When the total square footage of a parcel of land is 30,000 square feet or more, the setback requirement for property edges directly adjacent to roadways shall be 30 feet from the property line.
   (j)   Building height. Except as provided in § 13.06.020, zone shall not exceed a height of one story or 15 feet whichever is less.
   (k)   Additional requirements. Additional requirements applicable to these zones include but are not limited to the following:
      (1)   Off-street parking and loading, see § 13.06.180;
      (2)   Access and egress, see § 13.06.190;
      (3)   Enclosure and screening required, see § 13.06.020;
      (4)   Fire zones, see § 13.06.020;
      (5)   Nuisances prohibited, see § 13.06.020.
(Ord. 81-12, passed 6-3-81)