(a)   No recorded plat may be altered or replatted except upon petition to the platting board by the owners of a majority of the land affected by the alteration or replat or by the platting board.
   (b)   No platted road shall be vacated, except upon petition of the city or owners of the majority of the front feet of the land fronting the part of the road sought to be vacated.
   (c)   The petition for replat, alteration, or vacation shall be filed with the platting board. It shall be accompanied by a copy of the existing plat showing the proposed alteration, replat, or vacation.
   (d)   The information to be provided in and the procedure for reviewing petitions for replat, alteration, or vacation shall be identical to that for plats of new subdivisions except that the public notice describing the alteration or replat petition and the time and place of the public hearing on the petition shall be published for two consecutive weeks, and a copy of the notice shall be mailed to each affected property owner not signing the petition. Both a preliminary and a final plat shall be submitted for review. The final plat, when approved, shall be recorded with the district recorder.
   (e)   The title to the street or other public area vacated on a plat attaches to the lot or lands bordering on the area in equal proportions, except that if the area was originally dedicated by different persons, original boundary lines shall be adhered to so that the street area which lies on one side of the boundary line shall attach to the abutting property on that side, and the street area which lies on the other side of the boundary line shall attach to the property on that side. The portion of a vacated street which lies within the limits of a platted addition attaches to the lots of the platted addition bordering on the area. If a public square is vacated, the title to it vests in the city. If the property vacated is a lot or tract, title vests in the rightful owner.
   (f)   If the city acquired the street or other public area vacated for legal consideration or by express dedication and acceptance by the city other than required subdivision platting, before the final act of vacation the fair market value of the street or public area shall be deposited with the platting board to be paid over to the city on final vacation.
(Ord. 81-11, passed 6-3-81)