(a) Application procedures.
(1) Following the approval of the preliminary plat, the subdivider shall file with the City Clerk, 30 days prior to the platting board meeting at which consideration of the final plat is desired, an original and ten copies of the final plat and all accompanying data as required in division (b) of this section.
(2) The administrative officer shall review the plat to determine that all necessary information is provided. Deficient documents shall be returned to the subdivider with a request to correct the deficiency. No final plat shall be considered to be filed and accepted by the city if it does not meet the submittal requirements of this section, as determined by the administrative officer. The applicant may appeal any decision of the administrative officer to the platting board.
(3) The City Clerk shall, within three days after the submittal of the final plat, transmit a copy of the plat and all accompanying materials to: (1) the public works director, (2) the city fire department, and (3) the utility providing electric service for their review and comment.
(4) When substantial modifications to the proposed subdivision occur subsequent to preliminary plat approval, the administrative officer may direct the subdivider to submit a new preliminary plat reflecting the modifications that occurred subsequent to initial preliminary plat approval.
(5) a. The platting board shall within 60 days from the date the final plat was accepted by the administrative officer, approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the final plat.
b. One copy of the final subdivision plat shall be returned to the subdivider with the date of approval, conditional approval, or disapproval noted thereon, and the reasons therefor accompanying the plat.
c. If approved, the platting board chairman shall sign the original and three copies of the subdivision plat. Signed copies shall be distributed to the subdivider, the district recorder's office, and the local utility providing electric service.
d. If conditionally approved, the platting board chairman shall sign the original and three copies of the subdivision plat after it has been revised in accordance with the conditions specified by the platting board as a condition of approval.
e. It shall be the responsibility of the administrative officer to file the plat with the district recorder's office within 20 days of the date of signature.
f. No vested rights shall accrue to any plat by reason of final approval until the plat is officially recorded.
(6) a. When a public improvements guarantee, in the form of a bond or other type of security, is required, the chairman of the platting board shall not endorse the final plat until after the bond, deposit, letter of credit, restrictions (see definitions), and the like have been approved by the platting board, filed with the City Clerk, and/or recorded with the district recorder.
b. A performance bond or other form of security, if required, shall include but not be limited to the performance of all required subdivision and off-site improvements, and shall provide that all improvements and land included in the offer of dedication shall be formally dedicated to the city, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances of the premises. In no event shall the period of time stipulated by the platting board for completion of required improvements exceed two years from the date of plat approval.
(b) Contents of the final plat.
(1) The final plat will have incorporated all changes or modifications required by the platting board in the preliminary review of the plat. If none, it shall conform to the preliminary plat, and it may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the sub-divider proposes to record and develop at the time, provided that such portion conforms with all the requirements of this section.
(2) The final plat shall be prepared by a registered engineer or surveyor and shall be clearly and legibly drawn in india ink on tracing cloth or reproducible mylar. The plat of a subdivision containing more than ten lots shall be drawn to a scale of 1 inch = 100 feet. A subdivision plat containing ten lots or less shall be drawn at a scale of 1 inch = 50 feet.
(3) The following information shall be placed on the plat:
a. Notation that the plat is "final;"
b. A title block which shall be placed on the lower right hand corner of each drawing of the set comprising the plat. It shall show at least:
i. Name of subdivision
ii. Sheet number
iii. Date
iv. Scale
v. North point
vi. Total acreage of the subdivision
vii. Total number of lots in the subdivision;
c. Location of subdivision by U.S. Survey, township, section and range;
d. A land surveyor's certificate indicating that the individual certifies that a land survey has been completed under his direct supervision and that corners and monuments have been located and established and the dimensions shown on the plat are true and correct;
e. A certificate of ownership and dedication, dedicating to the public all easements necessary for public utilities, roads, alleys, thoroughfares, parks, local government uses and other public areas shown on the plan, such certificate to be signed before the City Clerk or a Notary Public;
f. A statement of the city accepting for public use and purpose all dedicated lands and areas shown on the plat, such statement to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk;
g. Official seals of the attesting officers and of the land surveyor who surveyed the plat;
h. Locations of all monuments and stakes and a graphic presentation of the designation appearing on the caps of the monuments;
i. Initial point of survey by tie-in of existing survey if applicable using a basis of bearing, original or reestablished corners and their descriptions, lot, block and subdivision boundaries with actual traverse showing area of closure and all distances, angles and calculations required to determine initial point, corners and distances of the plat. The bearing shall be shown to 30 seconds of an arc or greater and distances shall be to nearest 1/100 of a foot;
j. Within the subdivision, the centerlines of all rights-of-way, lengths, and radii of all curves, and the total width of each right-of-way with street name;
k. The exact boundaries of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use or for the common use of property owners. The purpose of the dedication or reservation shall also be set forth;
l. The names of adjacent subdivisions and the lot numbers of adjacent lots. If the adjacent land is not subdivided, it should be so indicated. The existing adjacent land boundaries must be indicated by broken lines of lighter weight;
m. The group elevations after site preparation;
n. All blocks shall be consecutively numbered or lettered in alphabetical order. The blocks in numbered additions to subdivisions bearing the same name shall be numbered or lettered consecutively throughout the several additions;
o. All lots in each block shall be consecutively numbered. Out-lots shall be lettered in alphabetical order.
(4) All final plats requiring public improvements shall be accompanied by a public improvements guarantee. (See definitions.)
(Ord. 81-11, passed 6-3-81; Am. Ord. 97-02, passed 5-27-97)