(a)   A peace officer or an employee authorized by the city may remove or have removed to a place of storage any vehicle that has been abandoned in violation of this chapter.
   (b)   Removal of a vehicle abandoned within a public right-of-way, highway, vehicular way or area, or area used for parking of vehicles, or on public property, shall be done only after a notice of intent to impound the vehicle if it is not removed has been posted on the vehicle for not less than the time stated in § 12.60.020(a) or (b), as applicable.
   (c)   Removal of an abandoned vehicle from private property shall be upon the written request of the owner or person in lawful possession or control of the property. The Mayor may require use of a form prescribed by the Mayor.
   (d)   A written report of the removal shall be made immediately following the removal by the peace officer or employee who removes or has removed a vehicle. The report shall describe the vehicle, the date, time and place of removal, the grounds for removal, and the place of impoundment of the vehicle. A copy of the report shall be sent to the State of Alaska Department of Administration and to the person who stores the vehicle.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 1-8-02)