§ 11.40.080. PAYMENTS.
   (a)   All mooring, wharfage, storage fees and other charges assessed under this Title shall be paid to the City of Sand Point at the time of use or at the time services are rendered, except as provided in subsection (b) below.
   (b)   The Harbormaster, with the approval of the city’s Finance Director, may extend credit to any user who establishes a sound financial condition. No credit shall be extended to any person or entity delinquent in the payment of any amount due and owing to the City of Sand Point. Charges assessed and levied to any such creditworthy user shall be due and payable within 30 days of the date of invoice. In no event shall creditworthy status attach to any user for a period of time in excess of one year without additional and supplemental evidence of continuing satisfactory creditworthiness.
   (c)   The creditworthy status of such a user shall terminate immediately and automatically upon failure to pay all amounts due and owing within thirty days of the date of invoicing. During this time of non-creditworthiness, user shall be required to pay all charges in full and in advance in the same manner as any other boat harbor facility user who has not established credit. Any user in a delinquent status may be denied access to the boat harbor facilities and any cargo, gear or boat thereon until all unpaid charges are satisfied in full.
(Ord. 2011-05, passed 6-14-11)