(a) It shall be the responsibility of the customer to apply for solid waste collection service by contacting the city office. All applications shall remain in effect until the customer requests the city to discontinue the service. It shall be the responsibility of the customer to notify the city of any changes that may affect the monthly charges.
(b) Billing:
(1) Billing for solid waste collection service will commence with the date of occupancy. The city shall have the right to determine how and to whom solid waste collection charges are to be billed. Failure to receive a bill or failure to apply for services does not relieve the customer of responsibility for the charges.
(2) All solid waste collection charges shall be the obligation of the owner of the property served by the city. Credit for vacant residential units may be extended if the period of vacancy exceeds one month and the customer notifies the city in advance of the scheduled vacancy.
(3) In the event of overcharges or undercharges for solid waste collection services, credit and debit adjustments will be limited to the most recent six-month period prior to discovery and notification of the error.
(4) All solid waste collection charges shall be billed monthly, in advance.
(5) Upon application, the Mayor can discount by 20% the conventional service fee for a resident of the city who is 65 years or older and the head of a household.
(c) Rates, fees and charges for city solid waste collection. The following rates, fees and charges shall be assessed for city solid waste collection:
(1) Basic monthly charge. This rate covers the use of city-provided public dumpsters. The customer shall pay the monthly charge indicated below based upon the customer’s classification. The customer shall place all solid waste for collection in the solid waste dumpsters.
Customer Classification Monthly Charge
I. Residential, per dwelling unit $44.65
single family homes, apartments, etc.
II. Light Commercial $69.30
small retail/wholesale stores
bed and breakfasts
mechanical, welding, auto/boat repair,
fuel delivery or similar businesses
utilities: electric, telephone, etc.
post office
III. Medium Commercial $138.60
airlines (cargo/freight/passenger)
IV. Heavy Commercial $173.25
grocery stores $866.25
V. Industrial
schools $259.88
fish processors $5,197.50
The payment of the rate under this section waives the payment of any additional charges for use of the landfill under A.S.10.30.050.
(2) Multiple uses. If the customer maintains multiple uses on a property or multiple sites within the city, the total fee will be the combined fee for all of the applicable classifications at all sites. In case of a dispute concerning proper classification, the Mayor will decide the proper classification after giving the customer reasonable notice and an opportunity to present evidence and be heard concerning the dispute. The Mayor’s decision is subject to appeal to the City Council.
(Ord. 99-03, passed 8-10-99; Am. Ord. 2007-04, passed 8-14-07; Am. Ord. 2014-03, passed 3-11-14; Am. Ord. 2019-03, passed 5-14-19; Am. Ord. 2023-02, passed 5-17-23)