Levy of Sales Tax; General Provisions
6.10.110. Sales tax levied
6.10.120. Place of sale, rental or service
6.10.125. Agreements for payments in lieu of tax
6.10.130. Obligation to pay, collect, and remit tax
6.10.140. Definitions
6.10.150. Exempt transactions
6.10.160. Examples of taxed transactions
Administration; Registration Remittance And Collection; Records
6.10.210. Rulings and regulations
6.10.220. Tax schedule
6.10.230. (Repealed)
6.10.235. City business license required
6.10.240. Registration of buyers and sellers entitled to exemption
6.10.250. Taxes collected held in trust for city
6.10.255. Deadline; filing return; remittance of taxes
6.10.260. Discontinuation; sale or transfer of business - final return
6.10.265. Seller not to assume tax
6.10.270. Taxation of installment sales
6.10.275. Refunds for overpayment of taxes
6.10.280. Duty to keep books; investigation
6.10.285. Confidential material
6.10.290. Extensions
6.10.295. Authority to contract for administration of tax
Protest; Enforcement
6.10.310. Protest of tax
6.10.320. Omissions and civil penalties
6.10.330. Severability clause
6.10.340. Lien
6.10.350. Accelerated returns
6.10.360. Violations a minor offense
Statutory reference:
Statutory authority, see A.S. 29.45.700 through 29.45.710