8.80.207 Exceptions to the Prohibited Discharges
The following discharges of non-storm water into the City's storm drainage system are generally exempt from the Prohibited Discharges listed in Section 8.80.206 of this chapter. However, Subsections 12-22, below, have been identified as potential significant sources of pollutants and require coverage under the Regional Board's De Minimus permit as well as prior approval by the City Engineer before discharge (see *note below):
   (1)   Discharges covered by NPDES permits or written clearances issued by the Regional or State Board;
   (2)   Landscape irrigation, lawn watering, and irrigation water;
   (3)   Water from crawl space pumps;
   (4)   Air conditioning condensation;
   (5)   Non-commercial car washing;
   (6)   Rising ground waters and natural springs;
   (7)   Ground water infiltration as defined in 40 CFR 35.2005 (b) (20) and uncontaminated pumped ground water;
   (8)   Water flows from riparian habitats and wetlands;
   (9)   Water flows generated from emergency response and/or fire fighting activities, however, appropriate BMPs shall be implemented to the extent practicable; BMPs must be implemented to reduce pollutants from non-emergency fire fighting flow;
   (10)   Waters not otherwise containing wastes as defined in California Water Code Section 13050 (d);
   (11)   Other types of discharges identified and recommended by the City and approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board;
   (12)   *Potable water line testing or flushing and other discharges from potable water sources;
   (13)   *Water from fire hydrant testing and flushing using appropriate BMPs;
   (14)   *Water from passive foundation drains or passive footing drains;
   (15)   *Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges;
   (16)   *Diverted stream flow;
   (17)   *Wastes associated with well installation, development, test pumping and purging;
   (18)   *Aquifer testing wastes;
   (19)   *Discharges from hydrostatic testing of vessels, pipelines, tanks, etc.;
   (20)   *Discharges from the maintenance of potable water supply pipelines, tanks, reservoirs, etc.;
   (21)   *Discharges from the disinfection of potable water supply pipelines, tanks, reservoirs, etc.;
   (22)   *Discharges from potable water supply systems resulting from system failures, pressure releases, etc.
*Note: The City of San Bernardino requires that a "Non-Storm Water Discharge Notification Form" be submitted to the Development Services Department for approval of these discharges, five days prior to any planned discharges or, as soon as possible, for any unplanned discharges. The Notification Form is available from the Development Services Department counter. Monitoring may also be required for these discharges.
The Regional Board may issue Waste Discharge Requirements for discharges exempted from NPDES requirements, if identified to be a significant source of pollutants. The Executive Officer of the Board may also add categories of non-storm water discharges that are not significant sources of pollutants or remove categories of non-storm water discharges listed above based upon a finding that the discharges are a significant source of pollutants. In this case, the list of exempted discharges, above, would be adjusted accordingly.