2.70.060 Sale of forfeited property
   A.   Property forfeited pursuant to Title 21 United States Code Sections 881 et seq., and California Health and Safety Code Section 11488 et seq., that is released to the Police Department for disposition may be sold at public auction following the procedures set forth in Section 2.70.030, subsections (B), (D) and (E).
   B.   Proceeds from the sale of such forfeited property shall be deposited in the Special Deposits Fund of the City in a special account designated by the Director of Finance and Management Services and thereafter be disbursed by the department with the authorization of the City Manager pursuant to the applicable City procedures and State and/or Federal Laws."
(Ord. MC-1625, 2-21-24; Ord. MC-1220, 3-20-06; Ord. MC-624, 5-04-88)