(a) BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE. A safety device used to prevent pollution or contamination of the water supply due to the reverse flow of water from the irrigation system.
(b) BACKFILLING. As it pertains to landscape construction, is the refill of an excavation area, usually with native soil material that has been excavated from the project site.
(c) BAIL BOND SERVICE. (See Land Use Tables.) A business that provides bail bonds for incarcerated persons.
(d) BAR/TAVERN. (See Land Use Tables.) A business in which alcoholic beverages are sold for on-site consumption and that is not part of a larger restaurant. Includes bars, taverns, pubs, and similar establishments where any food service is subordinate to the sale of alcoholic beverages. May also include beer brewing as part of a microbrewery (“brew-pub”), and other beverage tasting facilities. Does not include adult oriented businesses (see ADULT-ORIENTED BUSINESS.).
(f) BASEMENT or CELLAR. A room of a structure partly or wholly underground and having more than one-half of its height below the average level of the adjoining ground. A basement, having more than one-half of its height above the average level of the adjoining ground, shall be considered a story.
(g) BED AND BREAKFAST INN (B&B). (See Land Use Tables.) An accessory use to a single dwelling where a limited or specified number of guest rooms are made available to transient guests for rent to provide overnight sleeping accommodations on a less than weekly basis. Bed and Breakfast Uses are subdivided into three basic categories as follows:
(1) HOST HOME. A single dwelling containing one to two guest rooms that are available for rent to transient guests to provide sleeping accommodations on a less than weekly basis where the dwelling is occupied by the owner of the property.
(2) BED AND BREAKFAST HOME. A single dwelling containing three to five guest rooms that are available for rent to transient guests to provide sleeping accommodations on a less than weekly basis where the dwelling is occupied by the owner of the property.
(3) BED AND BREAKFAST INN/LODGE. An existing single dwelling that has been designated a Historical Structure containing a at least of six but no more than 10 guest rooms that are available for rent to transient guests to provide sleeping accommodations on a less than weekly basis where the dwelling is occupied by the owner of the property.
(i) BLOCK. The property abutting on one side of a street between two nearest intersection streets, railroad right-of-way or other natural barrier, provided however, that where a street curves so that any two chords thereof form an angle of 120 degrees or less measured on the lot side, each curve shall be construed as an intersection street.
(j) BOARD or BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino, State of California.
(k) BOARDING HOUSE. A dwelling with not more than five guest rooms, with not more than one person per room, where lodging and meals are provided for compensation on a weekly or greater basis, not including those facilities defined as social care facilities.
(n) BROADCASTING ANTENNAE AND TOWERS. (See Land Use Tables.) Any structure or device (e.g., antennas, towers, etc.) used for radio and television broadcasting and receiving.
(o) BROADCASTING STUDIO. (See Land Use Tables.) Commercial and public communications use including radio and television broadcasting and receiving stations and studios, with facilities entirely within buildings. Does not include transmission and receiving apparatus, including antennas and towers, which are instead defined under BROADCASTING ANTENNAE AND TOWERS.
(p) BUFFER. A strip of land established to separate incompatible or different land uses. Normally a buffer area is landscaped and retained as open space. The term may be used more broadly to describe
any area or use that separates two unlike land uses, such as the use of multi-family housing between single-family housing and commercial uses.
(q) BUILDING. Any structure built for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, fowl, chattels or property of any kind.
(r) BUILDING AND LANDSCAPE MATERIALS SALES. (See Land Use Tables.) A retail establishment selling hardware, lumber and other large building materials, plant materials, and other landscaping materials. Includes paint, wallpaper, glass, fixtures. Includes all these stores selling to the general public, even if contractor sales account for a major proportion of total sales. An establishment that primarily sells electrical, plumbing, heating, and air conditioning equipment and supplies is classified in WHOLESALING AND DISTRIBUTION.
(s) BUILDING COVERAGE. The alterations of a lot by the creation of surface area upon which a building rests. It is the building footprint. The percentage surface coverage does not include roadways, swimming pools, tennis courts, solar collection devices or related apparatus. See also LOT COVERAGE.
(t) BUILDING ENVELOPE. The area delineated on development plans in which all clearing and land disturbance for building construction must be confined unless otherwise authorized by this Development Code. If not delineated, it is the area of a lot not included within a required front yard, rear yard, side yard or side street yard setback area, or any recorded easement, or offer of dedication.
(v) BUILDING OFFICIAL. The Deputy Director of Land Use Services for Building and Safety, charged with the administration and enforcement of this Development Code, or an authorized designee.
(w) BUILDING SITE. The ground area occupied or to be occupied by a building or group of buildings, together with all open spaces as required by this Development Code.
(Ord. 4011, passed - -2007; Ord. 4136, passed--2011)