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§ 810.01.030 Definitions, A.
   (a)   ACCESS. The physical arrangement for ingress to and egress from a parcel or structure (e.g., driveway, walkway, stairs, etc.)
      (1)   ACCESS ENVELOPE. An area delineated on the site plan to which all clearing and land disturbance for construction of access must be defined.
      (2)   ACCESS RIGHTS. The right, claim, title or privilege of access, by pedestrians or vehicles, or a public road or way.
      (4)   LEGAL ACCESS. For divisions of land resulting in parcels of less than 20 acres, legal access is defined as:
         (A)   A dedicated right-of-way;
         (B)   A dedication to the County of San Bernardino and to the public in general, an easement for public road, County highway and public utility purposes of a width as established by the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The easement or road constructed on the dedicated land shall not become a County highway until and unless the Board of Supervisors by appropriate resolution, has caused the road to be accepted into the County Maintained Road System;
         (C)   An existing traveled way that is substantially in compliance with County road standards, where a prescriptive right by the user has been established for public use by court decree.
         (D)   Private road easement.
      (5)   NON-ACCESS. Access rights that have been relinquished by appropriate dedication certificate and labeled on a recorded final map and/or parcel map.
      (6)   NONVEHICULAR ACCESS. Vehicular access rights to abutting lots or right-of-way have been relinquished by appropriate dedication certificate and labeled on a recorded Final Map and/or Parcel Map or by separate instrument.
      (7)   VEHICULAR ACCESS RIGHTS. The right of access of owners or occupants of abutting lands to a public road or way, other than as pedestrians.
   (b)   ACCESSIBILITY FOR THE DISABLED. Accessible services, structure or facilities are those that may be entered and used by individuals despite handicapping conditions. Accessibility also includes responding to the needs of people with sight or hearing disabilities, in addition to those with developmental, activity, manual or mobility impairments, so that they may enjoy the full and free use of those services, structures or facilities.
   (d)   ACCESSORY CROP PRODUCTION. (See Land Use Tables.) One or more of the activities included in the definition of “Crop Production, Horticulture, Orchard, Vineyard” occurring incidental to a primary residential use on the same site. This does not include wholesale or retail nurseries.
   (e)   ACCESSORY DWELLING. (See Land Use Tables.) A dwelling unit that is accessory and incidental to a primary agricultural, residential, commercial, industrial or institutional land use on the same site, and is for the purpose of providing a residence for one or more people needed to maintain, operate and/or secure the primary non-residential land use on the property. Accessory dwellings include:
      (1)   CARETAKER HOUSING. The residential occupancy of a dwelling unit by the owners, operators or caretaker employed to guard or operate part or all of the site where the caretaker dwelling is located as an accessory use. The caretaker unit may be located either above the first floor or behind a primary commercial use.
      (2)   LABOR QUARTERS. Residential occupancy of single or multiple dwelling units with individual, shared or no kitchen facilities to provide housing for the employees and their families of agricultural, mining, logging, major construction, scientific exploration or other remote land uses.
   (f)   ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT. An attached or a detached residential dwelling unit, not considered to exceed the allowable density of the parcel, which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons with permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the single-family or multi-family dwelling is situated. An accessory dwelling unit includes an efficiency unit, as defined in §17958.1 of the Health and Safety Code, and a manufactured home, as defined in §18007 of the Health and Safety Code. To be considered detached, the roofs between the primary structure and the accessory structure must be at least ten feet apart.
   (h)   ACCESSORY STRUCTURE. A subordinate structure, the use of which is incidental to that of the main structure on, or main use of, the land. The use of an accessory structure may be for either a primary or an accessory use allowed by the appropriate land use zoning district.
      (1)   AGRICULTURAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE. (See Land Use Tables.) A structure for sheltering animals, or agricultural equipment (e.g., tools, supplies, hay, feed, etc.). Examples of these structures include barns, non-commercial greenhouses, coops, corrals, and pens. Does not include pasture fencing, which requires no County approval when in compliance with Chapter 83.06 (Fences, Hedges, and Walls).
      (2)   RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY USE OR STRUCTURE. (See Land Use Tables.) Any use and/or structure that is customarily a part of, and clearly incidental and secondary to a residence, and does not change the character of the residential use. This definition includes the following detached accessory structures, and other similar structures normally associated with a residential use of property. See also AGRICULTURAL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE.
swimming pools
greenhouses (non-commercial)
tennis and other on-site sports courts
spas and hot tubs
storage sheds
      Also includes the indoor storage of automobiles, personal recreational vehicles and other personal property, accessory to a residential use.
   (i)   ACCESSORY USE. (See Land Use Tables.) A subordinate use, which may be permanent or temporary. The use is incidental and supported by the primary use. Example: A carport or garage for a single-family dwelling.
   (k)   ACTION. The decision made by the Director on a land use application coupled together with the appropriate findings, environmental determination and conditions of approval.
   (m)   ADULT BUSINESS. (See Land Use Tables). In addition to any other definitions contained in the Development Code, the following words and phrases shall, for the purpose of this Title, be defined as follows, unless it is clearly apparent from the context that another meaning is intended. Should any of the definitions be in conflict with any current provisions of the Development Code, these definitions shall prevail.
      (1)   ADULT ARCADE shall mean a business establishment to which the public is permitted or invited and where coin, card or slug operated or electronically, electrically or mechanically controlled devices, still or motion picture machines, projectors, videos, holograms, virtual reality devices or other image producing devices are maintained to show images on a regular or substantial basis, where the images so displayed are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting or describing “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.” Such devices shall be referred to as “adult arcade devices.”
      (2)   ADULT RETAIL STORE shall mean a business establishment having as a regular and substantial portion of its stock in trade, “adult oriented material.”
      (3)   ADULT BOOTH/INDIVIDUAL VIEWING AREA shall mean a partitioned or partially enclosed portion of an adult business used for any of the following purposes:
         (A)   Where a live or taped performance is presented or viewed, where the performances and/or images displayed or presented are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas;” or
         (B)   Where “adult arcade devices” are located.
      (4)   ADULT BUSINESS shall mean:
         (A)   A business establishment or concern that as a regular and substantial course of conduct operates as an adult retail store, adult motion picture theater, adult arcade, adult cabaret, adult motel or hotel, adult modeling studio; or
         (B)   A business establishment or concern which as a regular and substantial course of conduct offers, sells or distributes “adult oriented material” or “sexually oriented merchandise,” or which offers to its patrons materials, products, merchandise, services or entertainment characterized by an emphasis on matters depicting, describing, or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas” but not including those uses or activities which are preempted by state law.
      (5)   ADULT CABARET shall mean a business establishment (whether or not serving alcoholic beverages) that features “adult live entertainment.”
      (6)   “ ADULT CABARET DANCER shall mean any person who is an employee or independent contractor of an “adult cabaret” or “adult business” and who, with or without any compensation or other form of consideration, performs as a sexually oriented dancer, exotic dancer, stripper, go go dancer or similar dancer whose performance on a regular and substantial basis focuses on or emphasizes the adult cabaret dancer’s breasts, genitals, and/or buttocks, but does not involve exposure of “specified anatomical areas” or depicting or engaging in “specified sexual activities.” ADULT CABARET DANCER does not include a patron.
      (7)   ADULT HOTEL/MOTEL shall mean a “hotel” or “motel” (as defined in the County Code) that is used for presenting on a regular and substantial basis images through closed circuit television, cable television, still or motion picture machines, projectors, videos, holograms, virtual reality devices or other image producing devices that are distinguished or characterized by the emphasis on matter depicting or describing or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”
      (8)   ADULT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT shall mean any physical human body activity, whether performed or engaged in, alone or with other persons including, but not limited to, singing, walking, speaking, dancing, acting, posing, simulating, wrestling or pantomiming, in which:
         (A)   The performer (including, but not limited to, topless and/or bottomless dancers, go go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, or similar performers) exposes to public view, without opaque covering, “specified anatomical areas;” and/or
         (B)   The performance or physical human body activity depicts, describes, or relates to “specified sexual activities” whether or not the specified anatomical areas are covered.
      (9)   ADULT MODELING STUDIO shall mean a business establishment which provides for any form of consideration, the services of a live human model, who, for the purposes of sexual stimulation of patrons, displays “specified anatomical areas” to be observed, sketched, photographed, filmed, painted, sculpted, or otherwise depicted by persons paying for such services. ADULT MODELING STUDIO does not include schools maintained pursuant to standards set by the Board of Education of the State of California.
      (10)   ADULT MOTION PICTURE THEATER shall mean a business establishment, with or without a stage or proscenium, where, on a regular and substantial basis and for any form of consideration, material is presented through films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, laser disks, digital video disks, holograms, virtual reality devices, or similar electronically generated reproductions that is characterized by the depiction or description of “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”
      (11)   ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL shall mean accessories, paraphernalia, books, magazines, laser disks, compact discs, digital video disks, photographs, prints, drawings, paintings, motion pictures, pamphlets, videos, slides, tapes, holograms or electronically generated images or devices including computer software, or any combination thereof that is distinguished or characterized by its emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.” ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL shall include “sexually oriented merchandise.”
      (12)   ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ADULT BUSINESS shall mean any of the following:
         (A)   The opening or commencement of any “adult business” (as defined above) as a new business;
         (B)   The conversion of an existing business, whether or not an “adult business,” to any “adult business;”
         (C)   The addition of any “adult business” to any other existing “adult business;”
         (D)   The relocation of any “adult business;” or
         (E)   Physical changes that expand the square footage of an existing “adult business” by more than ten percent.
      (13)   OWNER/LICENSE HOLDER shall mean any of the following:
         (A)   The sole proprietor of an adult business;
         (B)   Any general partner of a partnership that owns and operates an adult business;
         (C)   The owner of a controlling interest in a corporation or L.L.C. that owns and operates an adult business; or
         (D)   The person designated by the officers of a corporation or the members of an L.L.C. to be the license holder for an adult business owned and operated by the corporation.
      (14)   NON-PERFORMER shall mean a person who is an employee or independent contractor of an adult business who works in that adult business during regular business hours. This shall not include after hours workers providing janitorial, trash or similar after hours services.
      (15)   PERFORMER shall mean a person who is an employee or independent contractor of an adult business or any other person who, with or without any compensation or other form of consideration, provides “adult live entertainment” for patrons of an “adult business.”
      (16)   SEXUALLY ORIENTED MERCHANDISE shall mean sexually oriented implements, paraphernalia, or novelty items such as, but not limited to: dildos, auto sucks, sexually oriented vibrators, benwa balls, inflatable orifices, anatomical balloons with orifices, simulated and battery operated vaginas, and similar sexually oriented devices which are designed or marketed primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs or sado masochistic activity or distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”
      (17)   SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS shall mean and include any of the following:
         (A)   Less than completely and opaquely covered, and/or simulated to be reasonably anatomically correct, even if completely and opaquely covered human:
            (I)   Genitals, pubic region;
            (II)   Buttocks, anus; or
            (III)   Female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola; or
         (B)   Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely or opaquely covered.
      (18)   SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES shall mean and include any of the following, irrespective of whether performed directly or indirectly through clothing or other covering:
         (A)   Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; and/or
         (B)   Acts of human masturbation, sexual stimulation or arousal; and/or
         (C)   Use of human or animal ejaculation, sodomy, oral copulation, coitus or masturbation; and/or
         (D)   Masochism, erotic or sexually oriented torture, beating, or the infliction of pain, or bondage and/or restraints; and/or
         (E)   Human excretion, urination, menstruation, vaginal or anal irrigation; and/or
         (F)   Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttock, or female breast.
   (o)   ADVERTISING STRUCTURE. Any structure of any kind or character erected or maintained for advertising purposes, upon which any advertising sign may be placed, including advertising statuary.
   (p)   AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Housing with the contract rent or price, including all housing costs, which is affordable by low and very low (lower and low or moderate) income households as defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) pursuant to the United States Housing Act of 1937 for the Riverside-San Bernardino Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA).
   (q)   AFFORDABLE HOUSING COST. The cost defined in the Health and Safety Code § 50052.5 for owner-occupied and tenant-occupied units. The housing manager, on or about July 1 of each calendar year shall publish the maximum affordable housing costs for sales prices and rents as calculated in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Health and Safety Code.
   (r)   AFFORDABLE RENT. An amount based on the Section B existing program fair market rates established in compliance with 24 C.F.R. pt. 882 effective at the time of occupancy less the utility allowance then in effect.
   (s)   AFFORDABLE RENT - LOWER INCOME. A monthly rent that does not exceed an amount determined by calculating 30 percent of 50 percent of the San Bernardino median income (as published annually by the State Department of Housing and Community Development) adjusted in the case of a studio unit for one person household, in the case of a one bedroom unit for a two person household, in the case of a two bedroom unit for a three person household and in the case of a three bedroom unit for a four person household. For the current published median income, go to
   (t)   AFFORDABLE UNIT. An ownership or rental-housing unit, including senior housing, occupied by and available to households of low and very low incomes at an affordable housing cost, adjusted for household size as defined in Chapter 83.03 (Affordable Housing Incentives - Density Bonus), with deed restrictions as identified in Chapter 83.03 in favor of the County.
   (u)   AGRICULTURE. The tilling of soil, the raising of crops, horticulture, small livestock farming, dairying or animal husbandry. This includes all uses customarily incidental thereto, except the following: slaughterhouses, feed yards, hog farms, fertilizer works, bone yards, plants for the reduction of animal matter, or any other industrial or agricultural use that is determined by the Planning Commission to be similarly objectionable because of noise, odor, smoke, dust or fumes.
   (w)   AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER. The Agricultural Commissioner of San Bernardino County or authorized designee.
   (x)   AGRICULTURAL GRADING. Grading on land designated for exclusive agricultural use. See also GRADING.
   (y)   AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE. Designated areas of existing, viable and productive agricultural land within which land conservation contracts can be enforced under the provisions of the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 (Williamson Act), to stay in agricultural use for a designated period of time. Under the contracts, the property owner is granted certain tax advantages for the continuation of agricultural use of the land.
   (aa)   AGRICULTURAL SUPPORT SERVICE. (See Land Use Tables.) A use that directly supports or that is accessory or incidental to an established agricultural use within the general vicinity. These services do not adversely affect surrounding properties, groundwater or infrastructure, are supportive of the farm community, and are fully compatible with agricultural uses. These uses include:
      (1)   Agricultural chemicals, fuel and fuel oil, nonflammable bottled gas.
      (2)   Animal husbandry services, veterinary services for large and small animals, horseshoeing, agricultural processing.
      (3)   Animal waste processing, stockyards, organic fertilizer, feed lots.
      (4)   Farm machinery equipment and supplies, display, sale and repair.
      (5)   Farm produce sales and supply (feed, hay, grain and grain products, fertilizer).
      (6)   Farm products packaging and processing.
      (7)   Feed storage, farm products warehousing and storage (except stockyards).
   (bb)   AGRICULTURE LAND, PRIME. Includes any of the following:
      (1)   All land that qualifies for a rating as Class I or Class II in the Resource Conservation District land use capability classifications.
      (2)   Land that qualifies for a rating 80 through 100 in the State Storie Index Rating.
      (3)   Land that supports livestock used for the production of food and fiber and that has an annual carrying capacity equivalent to at least one animal unit per acre as defined by the United States Department of Agriculture.
      (4)   Land planted with fruit or nut bearing trees, vines, bushes or crops that have a nonbearing period of less than five years and that will normally return during the commercial bearing period on an annual basis from the production of unprocessed agricultural plant production not less than $200.00 per acre.
      (5)   Land from which the production of unprocessed agricultural plant products has returned an annual gross value of not less than $200.00 per acre for three of the previous five years.
   (cc)   AGRICULTURAL USE. The use of land for the cultivation of food or fiber or the grazing or pasturing of livestock, usually for commercial purposes.
   (dd)   AGRITOURISM. The act of visiting a working farm, ranch, agricultural, or horticultural operation for the purpose of active involvement in the educational, entertainment, or recreational activities offered by the farm or operation.
   (ee)   AGRITOURISM ENTERPRISE. (See Land Use Tables.) An enterprise conducted by an owner of a working farm, ranch, agricultural, or horticultural operation in order to generate income for the farm or operation that is in addition to income derived from the primary farming, ranching, or agricultural activities. Activities and events are designed to educate the public about farming and ranching activities; promote the heritage and culture of farming, ranching, and a rural lifestyle, and promote the products of a farm or ranch. Activities and events may take place indoors or outdoors. Indoor facilities may include classrooms, meeting rooms, overnight accommodations, party facilities, renovated barns, etc. Outdoor facilities may include picnicking areas, trails, riding rings, paddocks, and similar areas for education, entertainment, and recreation. Examples of activities and events include:
Agricultural food and craft shows
Harvest festivals
Agricultural heritage museums and tours
Barn dances (including square dancing)
Historical reenactments (e.g., Revolutionary War or Civil War battle reenactments)
Cattle drives
Living history events where families can experience the lives of 18th or 19th century farmers, pioneers, ranchers, etc.
Cider pressing/tasting
Horse and pony rides
Craft skills demonstrations (weaving, candle dipping, clothes making, etc.)
Living History displays
Crop mazes
Music festivals
Educational and interpretive seminars, clinics, walks, workshops
Pet farms
Farm equipment displays
Farm visits
Ranch skills demonstrations (horseshoeing, leatherwork, camp cooking, horse training, etc.)
Food festivals
Food service
School tours
Gardens (harvesting flowers, greenery, herbs, dried flowers, berries, vegetables)
Gift shops
Wagon rides
Guided crop tours
Wine tasting
U-pick farm or orchard
   (ff)   AIRPORT or HELIPORT. (See Land Use Tables.) Any area of land or water designed and set aside for the landing and taking off of any aircraft. An airport or heliport must be utilized in the interest of the public for these purposes, have a valid airport permit from the State of California Aeronautics Division, have airspace clearance as required by the Federal Aviation Agency, and have approval under the County Adopted General Plan of Airports. Military airports are not required to obtain the listed Federal, State, or County approvals.
   (gg)   AIRPORT HAZARD. Any structure or tree or use of land that obstructs the airspace required for the flight of aircraft in landing or taking off at an airport, or is otherwise hazardous to the landing or taking off of aircraft.
   (hh)   ALIQUOT PART. A notation used by the Public Land Survey System to represent the exact subdivision of a section of land. Aliquot parts are described as a half or quarter of the largest subdivision of the section, except fractional lots which cannot be described by aliquot parts. The divisions shall not be less than five acres.
   (ii)   ALLEY. A public thoroughfare, not exceeding 30 feet in width for the use of pedestrians or vehicles, that affords only a secondary means of access to the abutting property.
   (kk)   ALQUIST-PRIOLO EARTHQUAKE FAULT ZONING ACT. Also, formerly known as the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones Act of 1972 (Public Resources Code §§ 2621 et seq.). The purpose of this Act is to provide for public safety in hazardous fault zones. The Act requires the delineation of potential damage areas along known active faults throughout California. It requires local governments to withhold approval of construction permits in those zones until geologic investigation has determined that the site is not threatened by surface displacement from future faulting.
   (mm)   AMBULANCE, TAXI, OR LIMOUSINE DISPATCH FACILITY. (See Land Use Tables.) A base facility where ambulances, taxis, limousines, armored cars, tow trucks, and similar vehicles for specialized transportation are stored, and from which they are dispatched, and/or where ambulance vehicles and crews not based at a hospital or fire department stand by for emergency calls. Does not include storage facilities for towed vehicles, which is classified under STORAGE - VEHICLE.
   (nn)   ANIMAL KEEPING. (See Land Use Tables.) See Chapter 84.04 (Animal Keeping) and Chapter 82.07 (Additional Agricultural Overlay District).
      (1)   BENEFICIAL. Those species that do not contribute to a strain on an ecosystem. They may also serve to eradicate pest species for agricultural or health purposes.
      (2)   ENDANGERED. An animal species that has been diminished in quantities sufficiently large enough to raise questions regarding the future propagation of the species.
   (qq)   ANIMAL-PROOFED. Resistant to animals (such as dogs, coyotes, raccoons) opening, tipping over or otherwise gaining access to trash thereby causing trash to be scattered.
   (ss)   ANTI-DRAIN VALVE. A valve that has been designed to be located under a sprinkler head to help keep water within the irrigation system and to prevent the drainage of the sprinkler head when the system is non-operational.
   (uu)   APPLICATION RATE. The depth of water that has been applied to a given area, measured in inches per minute, or inches per hour, or gallons per hour.
   (vv)   APPLIED WATER. The portion of water that is supplied by an irrigation system for landscaped areas.
   (ww)   APEX. See Flood Hazard.
   (xx)   APARTMENT. A room, or suite of rooms that when combined constitute a single dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling structure and that are designed for, intended for, suitable as a residence for, and/or occupied by one family.
   (yy)   APPLICANT. The property owner(s), or authorized agent of the owner(s) who is legally authorized to act for the owner(s) of record.
      (1)   A dedicated right-of-way to the County of San Bernardino, an easement for public road, County Highway and public utility purposes, of a width as established by the Circulation Element of the County General Plan. The road constructed thereon shall not be brought into the County maintained road system until an unless the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino, by appropriate resolution, has caused the road to be accepted into the County Road System.
      (2)   An existing traveled way where a prescriptive right by user has been established for public use by a Court decree.
      (3)   A traveled way that was in existence before 1967, as determined by the County Surveyor. The traveled way must connect to a publicly maintained roadway and must meet each of the following criteria:
         (A)   Have all-weather capability for normal passenger car use.
         (B)   Be of adequate width to provide two-way vehicular access.
         (C)   Be improved and maintained by the use of hand or power machinery or tools in order to allow relatively regular and continuous use. A traveled way maintained solely by the passage of vehicles does not constitute APPROVED ACCESS.
      (4)   APPROVED ACCESS shall not be approved by the County Surveyor unless the access:
         (A)   Substantially conforms to the alignment shown in the Circulation Element of the County General Plan or Community Plan where applicable; and
         (B)   May practically and feasibly be applied to road use. The approved access provisions apply to divisions of land resulting in lots of 20 acres or more.
   (ggg)   ART GALLERY. See LIBRARY.
   (jjj)   AUTO AND VEHICLE SALES AND RENTAL. (See Land Use Tables.) A retail or wholesale establishment selling and/or renting automobiles, trucks and vans, trailers, motorcycles, and bicycles (bicycle sales are also included under GENERAL RETAIL). Vehicles for sale may be displayed outdoors or indoors, as authorized by the required Conditional Use Permit.
   May also include repair shops and the sales of parts and accessories, incidental to vehicle dealerships. Does not include: the sale of auto parts/accessories separate from a vehicle dealership; mobile home, recreational vehicle, or watercraft sales (see MOBILE HOME, RV AND BOAT SALES); tire recapping establishments; businesses dealing exclusively in used parts, (see RECYCLING - SCRAP AND DISMANTLING YARDS); or SERVICE STATIONS, which are separately defined.
(Ord. 4011, passed - -2007; Am. Ord. 4043, passed - -2008; Am. Ord. 4085, passed - -2009; Am. Ord. 4098, passed - -2010; Am. Ord. 4136, passed --2011; Am. Ord. 4239, passed - -2014; Am. Ord. 4341, passed - -2018; Am. Ord. 4383, passed - -2020)