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§ 84.24.050 Location Standards.
   (a)   Adjacent/Combined Areas. Refuse and recyclable materials storage areas shall be adjacent/combined with one another.
   (b)   Accessibility. Refuse and recyclable materials storage areas shall be accessible to residents, employees, and haulers at all times. Storage areas within multi-family residential developments shall be located within 150 feet of an access doorway to the dwellings that they are intended to serve.
   (c)   Distance from Doors and Windows. Refuse and recyclable materials storage areas shall not be closer than 20 feet from doors or operable windows of adjoining structures.
   (d)   Exterior Storage Space. Exterior storage area(s) shall not be located in a required front yard, street side yard, parking space, landscaped, or open space area, and any other area required to be maintained unencumbered in compliance with fire and other applicable building and public safety codes.
   (e)   Driveways or Aisles. Driveways or aisles shall provide unobstructed access for collection vehicles and personnel and provide at least the minimum clearance required by the collection methods and vehicles utilized by the designated collector.
   (f)   Alley. In cases where a parcel is served by an alley, all storage areas shall be directly accessible to the alley.
(Ord. 4011, passed - -2007)