The following terms related to groundwater management are defined as follows:
AB 3030 DISTRICT. A district which also has adopted a plan pursuant to the Groundwater Management Act.
AQUIFER. A geologic formation that stores, transmits and yields significant quantities of water to wells and springs.
AQUIFER HEALTH. The geologic integrity of the affected aquifer, its storage capacity and the quality of water within the aquifer, including the quality of water for a drinking water supply.
CODE. The San Bernardino County Code.
DISTRICT. Excluding a city wholly or in part located within the boundaries of the County, any district or political subdivision whose primary function is the irrigation, reclamation or drainage of land or is the diversion, storage, management or distribution of water primarily for domestic, municipal, agricultural, industrial, recreation, fish and wildlife enhancement, flood control or power production purposes.
ENFORCEMENT AGENCY. The Enforcement Agency for San Bernardino County may be the Board of Supervisors or the Director of the Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Services Division.
GROUNDWATER. All water beneath the surface of the earth within the zone below the water table in which the soil is completely saturated with water, but does not include water which flows in known and definite channels.
GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ACT. Water Code §§ 10750 et seq.
GROUNDWATER SAFE YIELD. The maximum quantity of water that can be annually withdrawn from a groundwater aquifer (i) without resulting in overdraft (ii) without adversely affecting aquifer health and (iii) without adversely affecting the health of associated lakes, streams, springs and seeps or their biological resources. The safe yield of an aquifer can be increased by management actions such as artificial recharge, including infiltration and other similar actions.
OVERDRAFT. The condition of a groundwater supply in which the average annual amount of water withdrawn by pumping exceeds the average annual amount of water replenishing the aquifer in any ten year period, considering all sources of recharge and withdrawal.
PERSON. Any state or local government agency, private corporation, firm, partnership, individual, group of individuals or, to the extent authorized by law, any Federal agency.
RECHARGE. Flow to groundwater storage from precipitation, irrigation, infiltration from streams, spreading basins and other sources of water.