Every person who operates an off-highway motor vehicle upon the private property of another or upon any public property, except a highway, at all times while so operating shall maintain in his or her possession written permission from the person or entity that is in possession of the property or that owns the property granting permission to operate off-highway motor vehicles thereon; except that if the same document grants permission to two or more persons, a person named in such document need not have such document in his or her possession while another person named in the same document, riding in the same group, and not more than 300 feet from such person, has such document in his or her possession. This Section shall not apply to the proper and legal operation of an off-highway motor vehicle by a property owner on a dedicated roadway or easement for road purposes (whether or not accepted into the road system of the appropriate governmental jurisdiction), if such dedicated roadway or easement is for access to and from the property owner’s property.